Side Order Episode Two: Springing.Floor

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's room in the real world. TIMO is examining the Dream Box while FRYE looks around at the bodies.)

Frye-Um, hello. Why aren't they awake yet?

Timo-That's what I'm trying to figure out. I think the system's gone into synthesis mode.

Frye-Synthesis mode?

Timo-Yes. I added in a program that would allow the Memverse to synthesize the environment based on incomplete memories in case it ever had insufficient data.

Frye-Wait a minute. Doesn't your whole "crash the system" plan depend on this thing having insufficient data?


Frye-So did you not take this synthesis mode into account when coming up with that?

(A long pause. TIMO starts sweating.)

Timo-It's been a long six months.

(FRYE sighs emphatically.)

Frye-Look, the baby's due in less than two weeks, and I don't want it coming into the world without anyone to take care of it. Please just find some way to get them out before that happens, okay?


(He gets his laptop off the nightstand and plugs it into the Dream Box. Opening theme. Cut to the elevator of the Spire of Order. BRIDGETT, PEARL, MONII, and ACHT are gathered together.)

Acht-Good hustle, guys. I've got the lowdown on the next floor for you.

Bridgett-Do you really now?

Monii-I'm listening. You have my attention.

(ACHT takes two purple color chips out of her pocket.)

Pearl-Whoa! We get TWO color chips from this one?! Twoice as noice!

Acht-Also, if you need a break from climbing the tower, just let me know. I'll stop the elevator and wait here until you're ready. No sense pushing yourself past your limits.

(PEARL activates the Palette. BRIDGETT takes both color chips and puts them in. The elevator doors open. BRIDGETT and MONII step out onto the fourth floor. Pan to the splat zone on the far end of the floor.)

Pearl-What gives? I'm not seeing any portals.

Acht-Different objective. This time, you need to ink that splat zone and guard it until time's up.

Monii-Oh, cool. I'm with that.

Pearl-Ah, kinda like Splat Zones?

Monii-Yeah, Pearl. We figured that out already.

Acht-But I don't see a way to get to the high ground with the zone. The wall by it looks inkproof.

Pearl-Probably just need to glide from somewhere high up. That's where I come in! Guys, if you ever want to slow your fall, just call on me.

Acht-Protect the zone!

(BRIDGETT and MONII get in the cage, and it carries them to the floor. They drop onto the pillar on the close end.)

Pearl-Step one is complete. Now, we glide!

Bridgett-But there's two of us. How will we both get over there?

Pearl-Who wants to go first?

(BRIDGETT raises her hand. PEARL pops her ring out. BRIDGETT grabs onto it. PEARL glides her to the zone.)

Pearl-BAM! Perfect landing. Just start inking while I get the Nii.

Monii-Please just call me Monii...

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