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☆ 1. Chapter 1

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Zhang Yi

Jianyu looked around with a slightly confused look after waking up. There was a perpetual calendar electronic clock hanging on the wall of the living room. The time displayed on it was September 1, 2019. It is a bit difficult to see 2023 as 2019, but September 2019 The date of the 1st is inconsistent with the knowledge.

She subconsciously touched her phone to check the time. She was still wearing her clothes, but her phone was gone.

Jian Yu didn't know what was happening. This was obviously not her home.

She found the remote on the coffee table and turned on the TV.

The time displayed on the TV was not only consistent with the electronic perpetual calendar, but Jian Yu did not recognize each of the more than 100 TV channels, every TV program, and every host.

There are two possibilities.

One is that she was drinking with her friends and had a break. She lay down at her friend's house to rest for a night. Her friend was filming a prank video in order to debut as an Instagram host. Now there are several cameras filming her reaction.

But it doesn't look like it. There can't be another Jian Yu world after The Truman World. It would be too ambitious.

The other is that she has traveled through time, and this is a parallel world in 2019.

Eliminate one incorrect answer, and the remaining answer, no matter how outrageous, is the correct answer.

"Is there really such a thing as time travel?"

Jian Yu was like being randomly interviewed by a reporter on a moving train and asked if any passengers had bought tickets. Naturally, all the passengers on the train had bought tickets, and they would naturally be able to travel through time. The identity of the person proves that time travel really happened.

"It would be true if my brain hurts because of the fusion of memory fragments and the digestion of a large number of unfamiliar memories, but it doesn't." "It's

a bit tricky to travel without sending memories, but it's not impossible."

Jian Yu rummaged through the box and found it in a box The ID card that was placed together with the real estate certificate did not match her name or face. The name of the country on the front of the ID card changed from Huaxia to Huaguo.

The reason why I didnt receive the gift package of memory fragments was found.

It turns out he is wearing it!

Jian Yu realized that he did not join this family, but broke into this family, and sighed, "They didn't even give me a chance to arrange an identity and follow the local customs. With no money, no mobile phone, and no ID card, I had no choice but to join the police uncle. "

As for the police uncle who saw her, whether he believed her words and registered her residence, or whether he let her eat and drink at the relief station first, and tried to contact her family and ask her family to take her home. The result is unknown. , but no matter how bad it is, it is better than continuing to stay here and being regarded as a thief by the owner of the house.

But the room had already been turned over by Jian Yu. In order to prevent the owner of the house from calling the police thinking that there was a burglar in the house, she worked hard to restore the room she had just messed up to its original state.

At this moment, the announcer's round voice on the TV was paired with a tight drumbeat BGM, "Emergency interruption, in view of the current serious situation of prevention and control..."

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