ch. 44

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Hui Ji has never been an emotional person.

Even for a long time, he was alone, glaring at the whole world indiscriminately.

In the beginning, when they cooperated with Danbuliu, they only used each other, and even mixed with malicious revenge.

Until he discovered another soul in Denbuliu's body.

This person suddenly came to his world, and with a kind of correct preference, he sheltered him from the wind and rain, and smoothed the dust for him.

It felt like he had been kicked into the dirty mud, but a bright star was fished out of it.

A person who is too good to be like this world.

When others are in adversity, they are beaten up by society, but he in turn beats up society.

He is never confused and is strong enough; he is neither condescending nor bullying; he has his own set of principles and bottom lines, and is as fair to everyone as possible.

Like a streetlight shining in the dark, it can attract countless people in the dark. More and more people gathered around him, eager to be a part of his life.

Decanbuliu thought he was just doing business and never involving emotions.

Little do they know that in this society where everyone is selfish, having his kind of fairness is valuable in itself.

He judges everything with a fair and cold attitude, but he doesn't know how deceptive his cold and majestic attitude is.

Hui Ji was the first person to discover the treasure.

He was like a crazy hound, wary of anyone who came near the slump.

He is also jealous, crazily jealous of everyone who has been helped by Denbuliu.

He surrendered to him and was extremely eager to conquer him.

But there was nothing he could do.

Decanbuliu is an arrogant and indifferent cat. He has his own code of conduct, is used to taking the initiative, is wary, and hates being forced.

Hui Ji could only watch as he picked up one person after another, and watched as the eyes of others turned from suspicion to trust, from admiration to admiration, and even revealed outright love.

He was so jealous that he could only force himself to be a normal person.

His emotions swelled in repression and gradually turned into a strange and terrifying monster.

Every night, the monster howls in the heart of its owner. It longs to monopolize treasures and tear into pieces all despicable people who covet its treasures.

But the monster's owner also loves treasure.

A different kind of love than monsters.

He wants to give the treasure respect, choice, and freedom.

So the master can only restrain the monster and restrain it. The master takes the monster deep into his heart.

Trying to become a normal person.

However, from time to time, the monster would suddenly run out and talk in his ears like a demon.

"It's so ridiculous, you're a monster in the dark, but you try to pretend to be a normal person."

"Admit it, you want him as much as I do. Do you think I don't know the desire in your eyes when you look at him, and the explicit fantasies you have every night?"

(龙傲天穿成爽文炮灰经纪人)Long Aotian transforms into Shuangwen's cannon fodder agentWhere stories live. Discover now