EWB 41.5

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"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" Casey said, making my throat go drier than it already was as the tears stopped streaming down my eyes.

Caleb on the other hand just scoffed.

"Stay away from this Casey" Caleb said as he attempted to walk past his sister. Unfortunately for him, for some reason, Casey had superhuman strength because she quickly grabbed Caleb's arm and dragged him out of the house and closed the door.

"You really don't have boundaries, do you? Going after someone who is already engaged?! Really?" Casey said as she passed me and Caleb a look, but neither me nor Caleb could say a word, so Casey took it as her cue to continue talking. "When was this?! When did you two sleep together again?"

Caleb and I couldn't answer. We could both feel Casey's fury and quite frankly I was a bit scared to even open my mouth.

"When was this?!" she screamed in a slightly louder tone, making Caleb quickly cover her mouth so everyone else back inside the house wouldn't pry.

"Okay okay" Caleb began "You remember... you remember when I called you and asked you where Hailey lives?"

Casey let out a disappointed sigh with a hint of disbelief.

"You still went?!" Casey asked "After I specifically told you not to?!"

Caleb looked down in shame, unable to answer, while I did the same.

And why wouldn't we?

Cheating on someone who only wanted the world for me was a new low for me. For the both of us.

Casey gave me and Caleb a look, then once she realized that Caleb wasn't talking anymore, she turned to me and her stare made me slightly flinch.

"And you" Casey began "You get engaged and the first thing you wanted to do was sleep with someone else?!"


"Okay, yeah I get it. He hurt you before. So what, you thought the best way to get back at him was to hurt him when all he ever did was love you?! What kind of a dumb bitch does that?!" Casey spats out, hitting me right where it hurts. Hurting Caleb back for hurting me was never my intention.

"Okay Casey that's enough!" Caleb says as he grabs Casey's arm, stopping his sister from saying anything more. I mean, Casey wasn't wrong. That was exactly it. A dumb bitch move.

"No!" Casey says as she pulls her arm off Caleb's grip and gives us another look "I am about to lose the love of my life yet I'm still there for him, and you two are fucking it up because you both could not make up your minds about each other?!"

Every word that was coming out of Casey felt like it was a dagger for some reason. It wasn't even that deep, but it was enough to start making me feel more and more guilty about everything.

Casey gave us each one more disappointed look before she took a deep breath.

"You both fix this. I'm out. I got more important stuff to deal with than your bullshit" Casey says before quickly walking past me and Caleb to head straight to her house, with me and Caleb watching her in silence.

As soon as the slam of their front door echoed through the street, I felt Caleb start to walk closer to me.

"I'm sorry. For everything. Really, I am" Caleb began "But like I said, you made your choice Hailey, and you're right. It really is for the best that we just... forget each other ever existed" he added before giving me one sad look and walking away with me watching until he turned and disappeared from sight.

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