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I watched Caleb leave my room, feeling completely confused.

Holy shit, I just agreed to be friends with benefits with him!

Wait, that's not right. I mean, we're not even friends...anymore. So it's more of a friends with benefits type of thing, but with enemies. Enemies with benefits, I guess?

It feels so weird, but from the back of my mind, I started to think that it may not be so bad.

I mean, even though he was an asshole, he was...nice enough to get me cash to buy Plan B?

Not that I needed the money, anyway. I could buy one with my own money.

And speaking of pills, I needed to set an appointment with a doctor soon so I could be on birth control.

God, why am I overthinking this too much?!

I groaned as I laid in my bed and covered my face, unable to fully comprehend what just happened. As soon as my head hit my pillow, however, Caleb knocking on the other side of the wall startles me.

"Keep it down! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" he says, making me roll my eyes. 

Look at that, he was acting like nothing even happened, and knowing Caleb, he sure as hell was gonna make sure that no one, especially his sister, knows what the hell is going on.

But also, knowing Caleb, maybe this whole benefits thing wasn't gonna happen.

I remember so many times from when we were...still friends where he'd promise something, but never keep it, and the one particular moment that stood out was on the last day of summer before we became high school freshmen.

Casey went back inside their house to get something while Caleb and I sat by the sidewalk. The three of us had just gone to the boardwalk and decided to finish our ice creams and began talking about how we thought high school was gonna go.

"No way you're gonna get one!" I tease him as I laugh, making him scrunch his eyebrows at me

"What makes you think that?" he asked

"I don't know, I mean, you only hang out with me and Casey. Wouldn't that be a big deal for any girl you'd think of making your girlfriend?" I ask him as I bite my cone down.

Caleb's eyebrow scrunches up as he stares at me and smiles. And he stayed like that for a bit before he finally answered.

"Trust me, it won't be" he said, making me smile back at him at the thought that he seemed to value his friendship with me, before he rolled his eyes and lightly pushed me "And I don't hang out with just you and Casey you know. I have other friends, too! I'm just stuck with the both of you!"

I laughed before lightly pushing him as well

"Whatever, just promise me we'd still be friends even when you decide to get a girlfriend" I tell him as I finish my ice cream cone. Caleb lets out a small laugh before looking at me again.

"I promise"

Of course, we all know how it went down.

Because come freshman year, he randomly just decides he hated me and we stop being friends.

Then he becomes friends with the himbos of the class, and while that got him many, many girls, none of them became the girlfriend he promised he'd get in high school.

And even as soon as I woke up the next morning, my deal with Caleb was still the first thing to enter my mind. 

I didn't wanna be some deranged, horny ass motherfucker, but I wanted to test the waters. See if he was gonna keep whatever we agreed upon last night.

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