Part 30 - Baby, Let's Play House

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Upon touching down in LA, Elvis sprang into action, ensuring swift boarding onto the next flight bound for Memphis. His excitement bubbled over; resembling that of a child on Christmas morning. In Memphis, as the plane's door swung open, Elvis eagerly grasped Brandi's hand, guiding her down the steps and into the awaiting limo.

"My goodness, E, this must be one heck of a surprise to get you all worked up like this," Brandi remarked, settling into her seat.

Elvis, still engaged with the driver, replied, "You have no idea, Satnin. We're skippin' home; take us directly to Circle G," he instructed.

"Huh? Circle G?" "Huh? Circle G?" Brandi's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What in the world is the Circle G?" she pressed. 

"Ohhh, you'll see, baby, you'll see," Elvis responded, patting Brandi's leg excitedly.

The limo driver wasted no time and they took off, heading towards Highway 61, closely trailed by the rest of the crew in separate cars.

"You gon' tell me or not?" Brandi's eyebrow arched skeptically.

"Nope, you'll have to wait," Elvis retorted, playfully tapping her nose.

Brandi rolled her eyes, though not a fan of surprises, knew that whenever Elvis was secretive or excited like this, it meant he was just going to show her something beautiful.


Brandi figured they were almost at their destination, observing Elvis practically on the edge of his seat, squinting as if trying to see through the car's hood. He was all eager, trying to see when they'd finally veer off the road.

Soon after crossing the Mississippi River, a left turn led them to a white gate Brandi shot an excited look toward Elvis as she read the sign hanging on the gate: 'The Circle G - Presley Ranch.'

"Elvis, no way! Is this what I think it is?" Brandi exclaimed, excitement lighting up her face

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"Elvis, no way! Is this what I think it is?" Brandi exclaimed, excitement lighting up her face.

"Yes, baby, I bought us a ranch," Elvis replied, flashing that famous lip curl of his. 

You could see the proudness spread across his face. Brandi couldn't contain her excitement, letting out a scream as she wrapped her hands around Elvis's neck.

As the ranch gates swung open, the limo glided through, coming to a stop before a grand white-columned house that resembled Graceland. Though not as vast, it exuded a similar charm. Surrounding the house was a lush green garden, where flowers swayed in the breeze. In the distance, a picturesque lake and a quaint picket bridge added to the idyllic scene, resembling something from a storybook. 

Elvis stepped out of the limo and circled around to open the door for Brandi. Taking her hand, he helped her out, and she couldn't help but express her awe. "E, I must say, you knows how to pick 'em. It's absolutely breathtaking, baby." 

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