Part 26 - She Wears My Ring

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"It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight..." - Vladimir Nabokov

The sultry Memphis sun cast a golden hue over the sprawling estate of Graceland, illuminating the hallowed grounds where Brandi and Elvis had reignited the flames of their love  just a few weeks prior.

Now, Elvis couldn't wait any longer; his heart begged him to pop the question. He couldn't wait for Brandi to be his forever, so he started to make arrangements almost as soon as she set her feet on Graceland's grounds.

Determined to create a moment as unforgettable as their love, Elvis embarked on a secret mission to add the finishing touches to the sacred haven within the hallowed grounds of Graceland. The secret place he had built for her before they have broken up - a place of serenity, meant only for her.

Elvis, with a mischievous grin that reflected both excitement and nervousness, gathered his loyal gang around him, and together they hatched a cunning plan. They whipped up a whirlwind of wild tales, exaggerating their pool renovation endeavours and throwing in a dash of danger for good measure. 

"You must stay away from the back of Graceland!" they warned Brandi repeatedly.

But keeping Brandi away from their secret haven proved to be a challenge.  Undeterred, they pulled out all the stops, becoming masters of entertainment, determined to keep her happily occupied at the front of the house.  Laughter echoed through the halls as they cooked up a medley of fun-filled activities, unleashing their inner pranksters.

The front of the house became their stage. They raced around on their horses, careening like lightning bolts. Golf carts became their chariots of mischief, zooming through the lush grounds with reckless abandon. And when night time fell upon Graceland, they ignited the sky with dazzling fireworks, turning the estate into their own personal battleground. 

Occasionally, Elvis would lead Brandi to the gates where they mingled with adoring fans. Every trick in the book was fair game as they lured Brandi away from the enchanting Meditation Garden, a secret patiently awaiting its discovery.

Amidst the uproar and laughter, Brandi remained blissfully oblivious to the secret evolving just beyond her sight. Little did she know that amidst the chaos lay a garden of love, painstakingly nurtured by Elvis himself.

Each passing day brought him closer to the moment he would ask Brandi to be his wife, where their souls would unite in a garden designed solely for their love. The tale of Brandi and Elvis was about to take its most breathtaking turn, ready to etch their names forever in the heartwarming tale of real love.


The day had finally arrived —the day the Meditation Garden would unveil its magical transformation.

Elvis, the creative mastermind, orchestrated a brilliant plan. Entrusting Anita and Edith with a mission, he instructed them to keep Brandi occupied for the day. Their task was to take her out shopping and pampering, ensuring she remained clueless while he attended to the final touches.

As Brandi left through the gates with Anita and Edith, Graceland burst into action. Everyone, from the Mafia to Brandi's parents, Vernon and Dee, and even Grandma, felt the excitement and joined forces to make the surprise perfect.

The Mafia, ever loyal and dedicated, worked tirelessly to transform the garden into a romantic paradise. They hung delicate fairy lights from the branches of the surrounding trees, creating a magical canopy of soft illumination. 

"Make sure those lights are evenly spaced," Joe said, stepping back to admire their handiwork. 

"We want it to look like a starry night." Billy nodded, adjusting the lights with a keen eye. 

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