Part 28 - Loving You SMUT

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12th March, 1964

It's the day everyone's been waiting for, the one they've marked on their calendars with stars and exclamation points—the wedding of the century! Chaos is in full swing at The Cadre building in Memphis. Within those fancy walls, a flurry of vendors is bustling around, carefully preparing every detail to ensure that Elvis and Brandi's special day would be nothing short of perfection.

Only the crème de la crème of vendors had been handpicked by Brandi, Elvis, and their wedding planner to weave their magic within The Cadre building. A sea of the best white roses graced every corner, hanging gracefully from the ceiling, lining the chapel's aisles, and adorning the ceremony tables. 

It was a scene right out of a fairy tale, where even the most delicate intricacies had been painstakingly arranged.

Beyond the grandeur of the venue, chaos reigned outside the venue as well. Paparazzi from around the globe swarmed the building, practically falling over each other just to catch a glimpse of what was going on inside.

The news reporters had been camped out since the crack of dawn the day before. You could practically feel their excitement bouncing off the walls, matched only by the fans who were buzzing with anticipation to see their favourite stars tie the knot. It was like Hollywood had come to Memphis!


On the opposite side of the building in a suite, far removed from the bustling commotion of the paparazzi and the vendors busily preparing for the wedding, Brandi and her crew began getting ready for the momentous day ahead.

Champagne corks popped, filling the room with an air of celebration. The finest makeup and hair stylists in the business meticulously worked their magic on Brandi. Despite her usual poise in front of thousands of adoring fans, today was different. Pre-wedding jitters had Brandi's nerves on edge, a sensation she rarely experienced.

Her sister, Anita, proudly stood by her side as the maid of honour, surrounded by her close friends Edith, Natalie, Angelique, Patsy (Elvis's double first cousin), Joan (Joe Esposito's wife), and Pat (Red West's wife) as bridesmaids. Haley graced the occasion as the flower girl.

As they sat in their seats in front of the grand mirrors, the stylists busy at work, Anita couldn't help but notice the subtle signs of Brandi's mounting nervousness. 

Leaning in closer, she whispered reassuringly, "Sis, everything's going to be just perfect," her smile radiating warmth. "Don't let those jitters get the best of you."

Brandi manages a small, grateful smile, trying to pull herself together.

Suddenly, Sharon appeared and threw her arms around Brandi in a warm hug from behind.

 "You, my dear, are going to be the most radiant bride in the history of brides," Sharon exclaimed proudly. 

Sharon, known for her extravagant ways, had been eagerly anticipating this moment ever since the news of Brandi's engagement to Elvis got out. She couldn't contain her excitement and never missed an opportunity to share the news about her daughter's upcoming marriage with anyone within earshot. She had always lived her life through Brandi, her pride and joy. Sharon along with Brandi anticipated this day ever since the moment that Brandi and Elvis had started dating.

Back on Elvis' side of the suite, the nerves have gotten the best of him as well. He tried to calm himself while smoking a cigar with the boys. His groomsmen were Joe, Red, Sonny, Jerry, Lamar, George, Mark, Billy, and Marty - the whole gang. 

Unlike the bridesmaids busy with preparations, the guys had some extra time on their hands and stood around, engaged in light banter.

George, always one to tease, couldn't resist needling Elvis. "Hey, Elvis, remember that time when you first laid eyes on Brandi? You jumped out of your seat like you were sittin' on a hot plate."

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