Part 16 - Brandi In The Mornin'

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Brandi's POV:

I woke up in Elvis's arms, he was holding me tightly. I enjoyed being in his arms; I always have. It was a place I hadn't seen in a long time. I stretched a little, enjoying the sensual feel of the sheets against my bare body.

The hot Nevada sun came creeping through the window as I turned to Elvis, where he lay still, fast asleep. He looked so peaceful and handsome, at the same time. I then freed myself from his arms and turned to face him. As I gazed at him, I couldn't resist the urge to touch him. I ran my finger gently over his forehead, tracing the contours of his face. His features were so familiar, yet so refined. I moved my finger over his nose, marvelling at the way it fit perfectly with the rest of his face. And then his lips. Oh, those lips. I had kissed them countless times before, and each time was better than the last.

I then put my head on his soft bare chest, and I could hear his heartbeat and feel his breathing.

In and out. In and out. In and out his lungs heaved.

It was comforting, and after I listened to a couple more of the breaths he took, I felt him waking up.

"Honey, have you been up for a while?" He asks me in a groggy tone.

"Yes," I reply while shifting upwards so I can face him.

"Well, here's a sight I haven't seen in a while," He says, studying my eyes again. 

He knew each line of my face. Leaning in close to me he caressed my cheek with his hand, sliding his fingers into my hair. You could see that he cherished this moment.

"Nothin's quite as pretty as Brandi in the mornin'," Elvis sang as he changed the words of his new song. He continued to stroke my cheek oh so gently and continuing to hum the rest of the song.

Absolute bliss. I feel whole again.

I kiss his soft full lips as I sit up, "How'd you sleep, honey?" I asked while the orange pill bottles caught my eye. Again.

"Better, 'cause you were here." He replied, looking at me lovingly.

I smiled at his sweet words, but it was cut short when I asked, "Elvis, what are all these pills for? I thought you were done with them a long time ago,"

"They're nothin' baby, just some pills my doctor prescribed to help me go to sleep and to wake up an' all that shiiit," He said while adjusting himself in bed.

"It doesn't sound like nothing," I let out, concern taking over my voice. 

"Well, I don't need them when you're here, so don't worry your pretty little self about it," Elvis said while pulling me close to his face and planting a kiss on my lips.

Narrator's POV:

Elvis meant what he said regarding the pills. He didn't need them when Brandi was around. He found a natural drug for all his panic, anger, anxiety, and tiredness. It's her voice. It's her.

Brandi's POV:

"What do ya want for breakfast? Bacon, eggs, toast, fries, beans? What ya want, baby? Just say it, anything, and it's yours," Elvis said, trying to change the subject.

I still wasn't completely satisfied with his answer, but not wanting to ruin the mood, I replied to his question, "All of the above, with extra bacon, please." I smiled softly.

"Comin right up," Elvis said while pushing some numbers into the phone that stood on his bedside table, "Joe, get in here now." He demanded.

Split seconds later, Joe made his way into the room where me and Elvis were still sitting snuck together in his bed. I pulled the blanket closer to cover up my naked body. 

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