Part 19 - I Know This Girl

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Brandi's POV:

John had barely left and I was back in Elvis' bed. I knew this was wrong believe me, I have felt the guilt but I have never in my life felt so calm and yet on fire all at the same time; knowing deep in my bones he's the one I am supposed to be spending my life with.

Those couple of years we've spent apart was complete hell.

I feel like we were destined to meet, no matter the distance between us; we return to each other again and again. It's a once-in-a-lifetime connection, the one that makes you feel alive just by sitting next to them even the silence is perfect because you feel whole in their presence.

I don't know what it is, never did, but I know only that when I look into his eyes I see a reflection of my soul staring back at me.


Elvis's POV:

Brandi's back. Back in my life. Back in my arms. Back in my bed.

The feeling when she's not around has a very heavy effect on not just my heart but my body too.

I resorted to all sorts of pills and women in the time that we were broken up, and that takes a toll on ya body lemme tell ya that.

Them pills helped me sleep, helped me get to another plain, where she wasn't. But the moment I'd wake up that gut-wrenching feeling came floating back as if it never left; which it didn't - it never left. It just helped me escape the pain for a little while. But I gotta tell ya, this last week with her here, I don't need them sonsofbitches at all. It's freeing.

I will never get enough of her. I will never not want her.

If I could've chosen, I'd have her in my arms day in an day out.

I could have every single inch of her goddamn beautiful body pressed tight against me and I'd still say 'pull me closer'.

I don't think that I'd be able to live without her ever again.


Narrator's POV:

Elvis had a big night ahead of him - the 8 pm dinner show was the main event, and he knew he had to bring his A-game. He had a busy day ahead of him, with rehearsals scheduled from morning till evening. 

Thankfully, he had asked Brandi to come along, and just the thought of her being by his side gave him a sense of comfort and confidence. For Elvis, having Brandi there was a much-needed boost that would help him make the night unforgettable.


Rehearsals came and went and it was time for the show to start. As always Elvis needed to rile himself up just to get rid of his nerves. He did his little routine and went for the last time over some lyrics.

Meanwhile, Brandi and her sister eagerly occupied the special booth that Elvis had reserved just for them, offering the best view in the house. To their left were Vernon, Dee, and her three boys, and to the right, some of the Mafia members, all eagerly awaiting Elvis' performance.

Just like the first time, Brandi saw Elvis' opening night, the lights started to dim, and it all went black. Sprach Zarathustra started blowing over the speakers and out came Elvis. White jumpsuit and perfectly combed hair. Handsome as ever with his little lip curl.

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