Part 24 - Follow That Dream

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Elvis groaned as he opened his eyes, disoriented from the vivid nightmare that had just haunted his sleep. 

He was in his bedroom at Graceland, the familiar surroundings providing some comfort as he tried to shake off the lingering unease from his bad dream. Sweat still clung to his skin, and he could feel his heart beating quickly in his chest. He glanced around the room, his mind was still clouded with the images from his nightmare.

It was April 1964.

Elvis' POV:

As I looked around the room, I take in the ornate furniture and plush carpets, I couldn't shake off the images that had haunted me in my sleep. The dream had been so vivid, so real, that I still felt a sense of dread in the pit of my stomach.

Well, I had the most god-awful dream. I dreamed that after Brandi left me, 'cause she found them letters from Priscilla, shit just went downhill from there. In my dream, she didn't wanna have anythin' to do with me no more, which, to be honest, is the cold hard truth. But it got even worse than that. Brandi went and married some random cattle rancher, outta the blue, God knows why and we were separated for a long time. I can't rightly recall all the details, but I do remember this: Brandi died in a car accident and then I died a few years after her, fat and all drugged out. 

God, it felt so fuckin' real. It was the most realistic dream I had ever had.

Then it dawned on me.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Oh, hell no. I need to get to Brandi, and fast. My heart races as I think about the vivid dream that shook me to the core. It felt all too real, like I was living it. The thought Brandi dying and losing her forever sends shivers down my spine, and twists my stomach into knots. I can't let this dream become a reality. I need to get to her and make sure she's safe, no matter what it takes. Nothing is going to stand in my way. I gotta see her, gotta make sure she's safe and sound. Ain't no way I'm lettin' her go, not after this god-awful dream. I'll do whatever it takes to get her back, even though she doesn't want to see me and has been ignoring my calls and letters for seven months now, I am gonna get her back, come hell or high water.

I then in a hurry, threw on some clothes and made my way down the stairs. As I entered the kitchen, I was taken aback by the sight that greeted me. There was my daddy, sittin' at the table with Dee and her kids, along with some of the guys, all chowin' down on a hearty breakfast.

What really caught my eye was Mark, sittin' there right alongside 'em. I was shocked to see him there, 'cause, in my dream, he had left the group after me and his sister broke up. It all felt so real like I had been livin' it for years.

"Dammit, Boss, you're up earlier than usual," Sonny let out  with a chuckle as he wiped the scrambled eggs from his mouth.

"Daddy, Dee, guys," I said as I nodded my head.

I then turned directly to Mark and said, "Where did ya say your sister was? I need to go to her, I can't wait any longer."

Mark turned to me with a heavy sigh. "E, you know she won't speak to you. It's been months, and she's made it clear that she wants nothing to do with you." His words stung, but I knew they were true. 

"She begged me not to tell you where she was or when she would be where," he added, his voice softening slightly. It was clear that he was torn between loyalty to his sister and his desire to help me.

I let out an exasperated sigh, my eyes rolling involuntarily. "Ohh fuck Mark, seriously? This isn't a game. I need to know where she is, man. You know how much she means to me, and keepin' her hidden is not helpin' anyone. Please, just tell me. I have to see her. I need to talk to her and try to make things right. I can't go on like this, every moment without her feels like an eternity," I pleaded with him, my voice cracking with emotion. 

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