Part 22 - How Time Slips Away

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The year was 1973. Elvis and Brandi stayed in distant contact with each other. They haven't seen one another since the night Brandi had broken up their affair in Vegas.

In the quiet of the night, when the world was asleep and the stars were shining, Elvis and Brandi would call each other, their voices carrying across the distance that separated them. They talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories of their lives and updating each other on the latest news.

Despite the distance between them, Elvis found ways to make Brandi feel close to him. Before every show, he sends her a bouquet of flowers arranged in the shape of a guitar, a symbol of his love and support for her. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to her.

As much as they tried to keep their distance, the flames of their passion still burned bright. They both longed to be together again, to feel each other's warmth and share their lives in person.

But to burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment one can bring on oneself.

Brandi threw herself into her work, determined to keep her mind off what might have been with Elvis. Her marriage to John still stood, but the word "happy" was no longer an accurate descriptor. 

The events of 1970 had left her with a deep resentment toward her husband, even though she knew it wasn't his fault and he hadn't forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. But in some ways, she hated him for it.

Despite the turmoil in their relationship, John remained steadfast in his love for Brandi. He understood the pain she carried inside and tried his best to support her, to be there for her even when she pushed him away. He knew that she needed time and space to heal, and he was willing to give her as much of both as she required. But the truth was, John felt a growing sense of unease, a fear that he might never be able to mend the cracks in their relationship. All he could do was hold on to hope and continue to love her, even when it seemed like she might never love him in return.

On the other hand, Elvis tried to forget the woman who had stolen his heart, but he found himself unable to shake her from his mind. His twin obsessions, pills, and girls became his refuge from the pain of their separation, but they only left him feeling emptier than before. No matter how many women he pursued or how many pills he swallowed, she was always there, haunting his dreams and his waking hours. 

The scent of her lingered on his skin, a reminder of what he had lost and what he still longed for. Her memory stained his soul, marking him with a love that could never be erased. He knew that it would take more than a lifetime to undo the hold she had on his heart, and perhaps even eternity itself would not be enough. 

And so he lived, caught in a cycle of addiction and despair, searching for a way to escape the pain of his own love. But no matter how far Elvis tried to run or how fast he tried to forget, he knew that she would always be with him, a part of him that could never be undone.

Elvis and Priscilla's marriage just crumbled even more and they separated in February of this year. Priscilla, once a replacement for Brandi, could no longer compete with the ghost of Elvis' former lover. Everywhere they went, especially in Graceland, Brandi's presence loomed like a specter, disapproving of Priscilla and reminding Elvis of what he had lost. 

The walls of Graceland echoed with the memory of Brandi, who had lived there since she was just sixteen years old. It was as much her home as it was Elvis's, a place where they had shared countless nights of passion and whispered promises. Even now, years later, Graceland had never known another mistress, and Brandi remained the girl whose bed it had once been. For Priscilla, the weight of Brandi's memory was too much to bear. She could feel her husband slipping further away, his mind consumed by a love that could never be his. And so they separated, the ties between them finally severed by the haunting memory of the woman who had come before.

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