Part 12 - Pink Love Letters

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It was September 1963, and Brandi and Elvis were still going strong and living their best life in their Bel Air home.

They'd been there since January, longer than initially intended. Elvis had been avoiding going back to Graceland, which struck Brandi as odd since he usually adored being home. She didn't press him on it, though. When Elvis said something, Brandi just went along with it—naturally, because she trusted him completely. She enjoyed the city a little more than Memphis overall, so it wasn't a big deal and didn't bother her too much. But little did she know that Elvis was busy with a big construction project at the back of Graceland.

He'd been busy constructing the Meditation Garden, that was now said to be done. Elvis knew that this project would be more than just a garden. It was a labor of love and a testament to his unwavering devotion to Brandi.

For months, he meticulously planned every detail, pouring his heart and soul into every aspect of this garden. Brandi's favourite flowers would be prominently displayed, and the garden would feature love seats for them so they can enjoy each other's company. A gigantic fountain in the middle would add to the serene atmosphere of this peaceful haven.

This garden held a special significance for Elvis—it was where he planned to ask her the most important question of his life: to marry him. The project wasn't just about creating a beautiful space; it was about laying the foundation for their future together, making it a labour of love that held a dear place in his heart.

For a whole year, Elvis poured his heart and soul into crafting this grand plan. He believed that a simple proposal wouldn't suffice; he wanted an unforgettable, exceptional gesture for the love of his life. Nothing less would do.

The pièce de résistance was the ring, a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. It was a jaw-dropping creation, the most opulent of its kind — a magnificent 30-carat diamond known as the Krupp Diamond. He had every last detail planned and he was going to do it on the 21st September; her birthday. Elvis had spared no expense, shelling out an astonishing $300,000 for it, making it the most expensive ring to date. In his eyes, Brandi deserved nothing less than the grandest and most extravagant symbol of his love - and that's exactly what he got her.

One afternoon, Brandi found herself alone at their Bel Air Estate while Elvis was off shooting his latest movie, "Fun in Acapulco," at the studio

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One afternoon, Brandi found herself alone at their Bel Air Estate while Elvis was off shooting his latest movie, "Fun in Acapulco," at the studio. It marked the first time she'd had the house all to herself, aside from the ever-watchful guard stationed at the gate. 

So, she got bored and decided to walk around the house looking through some stuff. Her wanderings eventually led her to the front of their shared bedroom, where an imposing, wall-sized bookshelf stood before her.

"Wow, this is my house, my bookcase, and I've never even cracked open one of these books," Brandi mumbled to herself, her voice bouncing off the walls of the empty room. With a sigh, she resolved to find something to read and pass the time until Elvis returned home.

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