Part 23 - Way Down

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A lonely life ends on Elvis Presley Boulevard.

Elvis Presley dead at 42.

16 August 1977.


After the death of Brandi 4 years earlier in '73 it took a heavy toll on Elvis and he too passed away shortly after of a heart attack.

The toll of the prescription drugs was written all over Elvis's body. His once-toned physique had become bloated and heavy, the drugs taking their toll on his health and mind. He moved slowly now, as though each step was a Herculean effort. 

The exhaustion he felt was palpable, a bone-deep weariness that seemed to seep into his very being. There was a look in his eyes, a weariness that belied his age. It was as though he had lived a hundred lifetimes, and the weight of it all had finally caught up with him. 

Even in his performances, there was a sense that he was done, that he had given everything he had and had nothing left to offer.

It ate him up, tearing away at his heart, his flesh, piece by piece.

Elvis suffocated in his thoughts of her, and he tried to mute them by taking pills. More and more pills. More and more girls.

The thought of Brandi became literally too much for him to bear.

He could still see her, the first time he laid eyes on her, walking into the little house party at his once Audubon home. He could feel the nervous excitement he felt as he asked her out on their first date and the thrill of introducing her to his parents for the first time. How his mama liked her. Every moment they shared together played out in his mind like a movie, each scene etched into his memory like it happened just yesterday; day after day. 

They tore at his heart like a knife. 

He couldn't help but think of what could have been, of the life they could have shared together. The regret weighed heavily on him, a crushing burden that he could never escape. The mistakes he had made, and the paths he had chosen, all seemed to lead him away from the one person he had truly loved. The pain of it all was too much to bear, and he found himself drowning in a sea of regrets. He longed for a chance to make things right, to go back in time and fix the mistakes he had made. But it was too late, and all he could do was live with the knowledge that he had lost the love of his life.

His attempts to drown her out by constantly taking hand full of pills and sleeping with countless of women; didn't help. I mean why would it help?

How do you un love someone? How do you untangle them when they are etched into your soul, a part of you?

Twin flames.

It was as if they were connected on a different plane from everything else; it was the two of them in their own little word. How they had a secret language between souls and their fiery energy fed off each other. They didn't always need words because they could communicate through silence. They had each other memorized and they could feel one another through time and space. Their souls were always touching like twin flames, existing within each other and burning through everything else.

Their chemistry volatile from the very beginning, friends, lovers, and soulmates - they were all of it together. They were connected by a fiery energy on a soulful level with an intense magnetic attraction to one another. Not only were their minds in sync reading each other's thoughts but, he knew her body like the back of his hand. He knew when she wanted a soft caress or the firm grip of his hand. How she craved the fine line between pleasure and pain. He knew what she needed before she knew herself. He knew how to give her what she was afraid to ask for. They couldn't help but feel each other, their souls were always crashing into one another.

Like twin flames that never die, it lives inside you burning you alive.

So how do you drown that out? 

How do you undo that? 

How do you forget that kind of love? 

How do you get over it?

You can't.

"Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they're born" - F. SCOTT FITZGERALD.


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