Part 7 - Draft

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As the deadline loomed closer for Elvis to go on duty and with the added pressure of filming his fourth motion picture 'King Creole', his mood understandably took a nosedive. Given that he received his draft notice on Christmas, and he was to report to the draft board immediately. To boost his spirits, Brandi planned an early birthday party for him, hoping to cheer him up and also because he was set to leave for filming in four days, and they wouldn't be able to celebrate together on his actual birthday.

Brandi settled on celebrating Elvis's birthday on the 2nd of January, right after the New Year festivities. And true to her supermom reputation, Gladys was up and at 'em earlier than ever, whipping up some of Elvis's all-time favorite breakfast treats in the kitchen. Once she had everything laid out just right on a little tray, she called Brandi over to do the honors of delivering it up to Elvis's bedroom.

With the breakfast tray in hand, Brandi tiptoed up the stairs, eager to surprise Elvis. As she quietly slipped into the room, she couldn't help but admire how peaceful he looked, fast asleep. I mean, the man was practically a work of art, absolutely stunning. She leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, causing his eyes to flutter open. Stretching his arms, Elvis pulled Brandi close to him, nearly causing a breakfast catastrophe in the process.

 "What did I do to deserve all of this, baby?'' he asked with that sexy lip curl of his. 

Brandi, teasingly turning up her nose, retorted, "Oh, nothing special," before quickly adding, "Just kidding." With a sweet smile, she continued, "Since we won't be able to spend your birthday together, I thought we'd celebrate a few days early," as she lovingly ran her fingers through his hair.

Looking at her with a loving gaze while touching her face softly, Elvis said, "How did I get so lucky with you?" 

"There's no time for sappiness," Brandi teased, playfully mocking the sentiment. 

"Come on! Come on! Get your lazy ass up, we got a busy day ahead of us. I have planned a couple of things for us to do." she said with a grin as she hopped of the bed. "and when we're done, you can get your presents," she added proudly. 

"What, more presents?" Elvis asked with frowning brows. 

"Yip, more presents, uuggg." Brandi mocked while rolling her eyes. 

"Honey, I don't need more presents," Elvis declared, his tone sincere, "as long as I can be with ya, it's enough."

"Awwwwwww you're so -" Brandi began, then cut herself off.  "Just get the hell up and get dressed Mr. Presley, yous can flirt later," she continued, playfully mocking him. 

"Oke, Oke, whatever yous say, boss lady." Elvis replied with a grin, springing out of bed and giving Brandi's peachy ass a playful little smack. With a wink, he disappeared into the bathroom to get ready.


6 January 1958

The day arrived for Elvis to depart to Hollywood, marking the beginning of the filming for King Creole, and after that to go straight to the draft board. The guys got everything set for the cross-country journey, parking the cars and making sure everything was in order. Gladys gave Elvis a tight hug and planted a kiss on his cheek "You call me everyday, son, ya hear," she urged, her worry evident as always.

"Yes, mama, of course," Elvis reassured her, giving his mother one last hug before turning to his daddy. Afterward, he made his way over to where Brandi stood, her arms folded. Gently, he drew her closer, wrapping his arms around her for one last embrace. Pressing his lips softly against her ear, he whispered, "Come with me."

"Darlin, I wish I could but they need me up in NY," Brandi replied with a hint of sadness in her eyes. Elvis pulled back slightly, his lip caught between his teeth. Taking her by the shoulders, he looked at her with a serious expression and spoke with a stern voice, "You know I won't touch another girl."

Endless Love (Elvis Presley Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora