Part 4 - V&G

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As the days went by, Elvis and Brandi found themselves drawn to each other more and more. They saw themselves in each other's eyes, recognising the same kind of passion and ambition. She had the same sultry eyes and full lips, and his career was just beginning to blossom, and hers was, too. 

As they went on two more dates, it became clear to Elvis that he wanted to introduce Brandi to the most important people in his life - his parents.


One sunny afternoon, Brandi strolled with Edith and Mark along the vibrant Beale Street, exploring the boutiques that lined the bustling road. Mark was there to offer some protection to his sister, as she always seemed to attract crazy fans whenever she ventured out in public. 

The trio stepped into a new boutique that caught their attention, the air inside filled with the scent of freshly cut flowers and the soft melody of jazz music playing in the background.

As they browsed through racks of stylish clothes, the telephone suddenly rang, breaking the tranquil ambiance of the store. The shop assistant hurriedly approached Brandi, a glint of excitement in her eyes, "Ms. Lockwood, someone on the phone wants to speak with you. He said his name is Elvis Presley." 

Slightly taken aback, Brandi walked over and picked up the phone. "Elvis? Is that you?" she questioned. 

"Thank God, honey, I've been looking for everywhere for ya. I called your house, and your mama said you're out shoppin'. Then I phoned nearly every damn clothin' store in Memphis, looking for your cute little ass," he let out.

A blush spread across Brandi's cheeks as she giggled at Elvis's determination to find her. "Well, I'm sorry I made you do a little work, darlin'. How can I help you?" she asked laughingly. 

"I, I, mmm was just wonderin', ya know, if ya would... mmm uhh... since I really like ya... come over to the house tonight to meet my mmm momma and daddy?" he let out with his heavy southern accent. 

Without hesitation, Brandi answered, "YES! Of course, I'd be honoured, Elvis." She could almost hear him smile through the telephone. "I'll pick you up at around 18:00 then?" 

"I'll make sure I'm ready," she replied softly. She could hear in his tone that he was absolutely stoked. They both hung up the phone.

Unbeknownst to Elvis, Brandi was nervous as shit. She must have had a strange look on her face because both Edith and Mark stared at her, confused. "What in heaven's sake are you looking at? Come on, come on, we need to finish up, there's no time!" she exclaimed. 

"What the hell just happened? Who was that on the phone?" Mark asked. "It was Elvis... come on, hurry up... he wants me to come over tonight to meet his parents," she replied hurriedly.

 Edith let out a squeal, finally understanding. Both she and Mark helped Brandi to finish up with the shopping and then they went straight home.


Brandi hurried home and bolted through the front door, her arms laden with shopping bags. She dashed straight to her bedroom, her heart racing with excitement and anxiety. She rifled through her closet, frantically searching for the perfect outfit to wear to meet Elvis's parents. She tried on dress after dress, but none of them felt quite right. As the minutes ticked by, Brandi's anxiety mounted. 

After what feels like forever, Brandi strikes gold in her closet. She pulls out a crisp white button-up shirt paired with a stylish green boucle pencil skirt that buttoned on the side. She slipped on a pair of soft pink heels and grabbed a matching clutch bag. With a final touch of glamour, she let her hair hang in soft curls around her face, her signature style.

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