Chapter 8

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I am so sorry for not updating it sooner, but now I am on vacation and will probably update it faster. Thank you all so much for staying with me for so long and not giving up on my series! :D Thank you all so much! :D Picture of Troy and Dahlia on the side. :) Please tell me if you want pictures of anyone else. :)

Chapter 8

                Feeling sick and worried at the same time, Dahlia left the toilet after getting Hunter’s permission to go to Raven’s house that day. The knowledge about Raven being more powerful than her made her feel both jealous and grateful at the same time.

                Jealous because for a long time, people knew that she was incredibly powerful due to the fact that she could not just charm people into doing her will, but also charm the elements. It wasn’t the same as being a magician of all four elements for that required use of the ancient language. But charming the elements didn’t need the ancient language, for which she was very grateful.

                Neither Dahlia nor Troy knew a sufficient amount of the ancient language. They both knew the basic minimum, just enough to survive with, mostly the names of the four elements and a few other random words that they needed to use their magic.

                She felt grateful at the same time simply because seeing as Raven was so powerful; they had a higher chance of defeating Varmer than they had without her. And Raven was her friend as much as she protected her.

                Dahlia only came out of her thoughts properly when she walked straight into a boy about two years older than she herself was.

                “Watch where you’re going!” the boy snapped.

                “Sorry!” Dahlia gasped.

                Inwardly, she cursed herself for not paying attention. A distraction like that could cost Raven her life. It might even be the cause of death for Troy or herself in the heat of a battle.

                Moving swiftly, Dahlia raced back to where she had left Troy and Raven. They were talking cheerfully about what they planned to do seeing that the exams were over. Another feeling of jealousy cursed through her body. It was mostly fear that Troy had a thing for Raven, even though he had kissed her that morning.

                “What did Uncle Hunter say?” Troy asked, noticing her first.

                Dahlia took a deep breath, wondering if she could confer all the information that Hunter had told her in a single look. But then again, she didn’t have any telepathic powers like Troy’s dead sister, Helen. She met his gaze for the first time since he had kissed her that morning.

                “We can go to Raven’s house later,” she said, starting with the simplest of the problems.

                “Great,” Troy said with a smile. “Then we need not talk about the exams anymore or anything else that we don’t care about.”

                Raven rolled her eyes. “Let’s go.”

                The three of them walked out of the school, not bothering to talk to anyone but themselves. After all, everything else thought that they were weirdoes and that did not change. After all, magicians were not considered normal even among humans.

                Outside the school, Mrs.Wings who was Raven’s mother sat in the car. She didn’t look much like Raven though. She had long brown hair that fell in curls with several grey streaks. Raven looked like her father, both of whom had jet-black hair and emerald green eyes.

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