Chapter Thirty

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It's been two days since my trip with Harry and he's leaving for the airport today. It confused me when I called and asked if I could take him and he said no. I'd of liked to see him before being gone for a while. When I asked for a reason why, he tried to make up a lie and that only made me more confused. I'm wondering if this trip has anything to do with the way he's been secretive.

He has a pretty late flight tonight and said it doesn't leave until 7pm. I know we just spent like a month together but a kiss would be nice before he goes. Ever since this morning, my dad has been acting kind of secretive too. Him and Harry have to be planning something together but I'm not sure what. My mom told me not to worry about it and I'm just seeing something out of nothing.

I listen to her and spend some time with my nana. She's only here for another couple of days so I'm soaking in every second we have together. She takes me out to get ice cream in an attempt to distract me. Ever since I was seven, ice cream has been my favorite dessert. We have a good day and it works, Harry is completely out of mind. When we got home my mom suggested the four of us play a couple of board games.

"Can we play monopoly?" I ask. It's my favorite game but no one ever wants to play with me because the game takes a really long time.

"Baby that takes fore-" my dad starts but my nana slaps his arm.

"We're playing monopoly." She tells him and I laugh. He playfully glares at me but laughs while grabbing the game. We play and time had passed us by because before I knew it, the clock on the wall said 8:38pm. I decide to text Harry and wish him a safe flight since I didn't get to see him. Before I could pick up my phone, it starts ringing. His name pops up on my screen and I frown. That's weird.

I excuse myself from the table and for a split second I swore my dad gave me a smirk. I wonder what that was about. I answer the phone with a confused hello. "Charlie," his voice came out in a whisper. "I need your help. I messed up." He sounds distraught.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" I'm starting to get really worried. The line then goes dead and I get a text from him saying to meet. He gives me an address that looks really familiar. I tell my parents I've got to go and leave. I grab my car keys before driving to the location he sent me. When parking the car and getting out, it hits me. I remember this place.

He asked me to meet him at the movie set that him and my dad filmed on. This is where Harry and I first met. What in the world is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be on a plane right now? All these questions come to mind as I head inside to see what he did that is so bad. I walk in the building and it's dark. I turn my phone flashlight on and start making my way in. I finally find a light switch and flip it on. All the lights come on at once and my eyes widen.

I'm looking around the room in complete amazement. This is not the set that I remember. It's completely different. I recognize all of it too and it makes me smile. On one side of me is the bedroom in Hawaii where Harry and I had our first big fight and our first time together. The entire room is filled with every place we went too. There's our penthouse hotel room in New York, a little fake beach like the one in South Carolina, and the kitchen from his house that we stayed in, in Florida.

I'm surrounded by our memories, literally. The smile on my face grows realizing that he must of set all this up. But why? And where is he? My questions all got answered.

"Charlie," I hear Harry call my name and turn around to see him standing there. He looks very nervous and on edge. "This is my big secret. All those phone calls and meetings was for this." He says, gesturing to the room around us. I start to say something but he cuts me off. "Please let me finish what I need to say because I'm afraid if I don't then I never will." He breathes. I nod and let him continue.

"From the moment we met you have showed me what it feels like to be selfless and free. You are the only girl I've ever been with that made me feel things I never knew possible. I always heard these stories but never knew until you that a heart can beat for one person," he says while taking slow steps towards me. My heart is beating so fast.

"You're the first person I've ever been sure about. I'm sure that I love you. I'm sure that I want to spend all of my days with you. You are my entire world now and from now and always I promise to never hurt you." He held his pinky up and I let out a chuckle while pinky promising with him. "As long as I'm still breathing, as long as there's air in my lungs, you're always going to have someone who is proud of you, who loves you unconditionally, who will spend everyday trying to be everything you need." He continues.

Part of me knows where he is going with all of this and it just doesn't feel real. Standing inches from the man I've grown to love, while he tells me how he feels about just doesn't feel real to me. "Darling," he smiles while pulling a small black box out of his pocket. Shit. This is happening. This is actually happening. He gets down on one knee and opens the box to show me a beautiful ring.

"Will you marry me?"

This story is officially over. Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

Hopefully it wasn't too boring or bad lol


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