Chapter Thirteen

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My mom respected what I told her and never asked what happened. She must have told my dad too because when getting home, he didn't say anything, just gave me a warm hug. It really just felt good being home again. I just wanna forget any of this ever happened. I don't think I'd of reacted the way I did or felt this way if he didn't mean this much to me. Harry made me care about him and start to fall for him.

That's why it hurts so bad. I care about him. My dad told me if there's anything I want then he will get it. It's tempting but right now, laying in my bed is all I want. After closing the door, I threw my stuff on the floor and collapsed into bed. As I'm laying there memories of our time together started replaying in my mind. It's making my heart hurt and it's so hard trying to block it out of my head.

Maybe taking a nap will help and I'll feel better later when I'm well rested. That plane ride made me feel sleepy anyway. My eyes closed and soon I'm drifting off to sleep. I'm woken up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly in my ears. Groaning from being tired, I open my eyes and sit up. A frown appeared on my face seeing the time. It's morning, which means I've slept all day and night.

I check my phone to see who called and when his name popped up on my screen I ignored it. I'm not ready to talk with him. I'm ready to talk with my dad about getting my car back. After throwing some clean clothes on I head downstairs to meet my parents for breakfast. They give me smiles as I join them. "Good morning Charlie. We haven't see you since you got home." My mom says.

"Yeah I slept for a long time. Sorry. Dad can we talk about bringing my car home?" I ask him. He nods and tells me he will send someone for it. He assured me that his driver Richard will take me wherever I want to go until my car is back. Not many places to go and I'm not in the mood anyway. My mom suggested calling my friends and hanging out with them but I'm just going to take a shower and think on it.

The warm water ran down my body causing my tense muscles to relax. It's the best I've felt since...since the other night. I'm calm and everything feels like it's going to be okay. It's a feeling I'm hoping doesn't disappear. After my shower I listen to my mom and go hangout with friends. It wasn't much fun because I couldn't stop thinking about him and that argument.

I wonder what he's doing right now? Did he stay back at the house or did he decide to go home? Not my problem anymore and he can handle himself. Instead of being a downer, I put a smile on my face and forced myself to have a good time. They knew something was up but didn't wanna pry and ask. They are really good friends at the end of the day.

Later that day when it started getting dark, my parents ask if I'd like to watch a movie with them. Since I'm not tired from sleeping so long, it sounds like a great idea. We sit together on the couch eating popcorn and watching a thriller movie. My mom wrapped me in a blanket and I thanked her as my head leaned against the back of the chair I'm sitting in.

That's all I seem to remember before everything went dark. I must have fallen asleep because the next morning I'm awake and in my own bed. My dad must have carried me here. My phone starts ringing and I frown seeing my friend Hanna is calling. Wonder what she could want.

"Hello?" Pure confusion laced in my voice.

"Charlie have you watched the news?" She asks. I say no and she tells me to watch it now before hanging up. A bad feeling sets in my stomach when turning my tv on. I'm flipping through trying to find the news channel then stop on it.

"Singer songwriter Harry Styles admitted to the hospital in Los Angeles California just last night." The news woman reports. My heart completely stops beating in my chest. "Nothing has been released yet and we're still waiting on news about his condition."

I turn the tv off and start to feel anxiety filling my body. I've got to see him. I have to know if he's okay or not. Once grabbing my bag and keys, I'm rushing out the door. There's no time to waste so I take my moms car and drive as fast as I'm able all the way to the hospital. Only I'm not sure what hospital he's in. Calling him would be stupid so instead I drove to every hospital in the area looking for him.

He was at none of them and they kept telling me they're not allowed to release that information so my last hope is the last hospital on the list. After parking and running inside, all the nurses gave me weird looks. The woman at the front desk looks worried by my frantic state. "Is Harry Styles here." I ask.

"I'm sorry who are you?" She frowns.

"His girlfriend." I lie and she laughs as if I'm the dumbest person to ever exist. She tells me the same thing the other hospitals did. My heart sinks from my chest as I feel completely defeated. There's no way of getting to him now.

"Charlie?" A voice asks and I turn to see a woman standing there looking at me. "Did you say you were looking for Harry?"

"Yea. I'm sorry but do I know you?" I ask this random woman. She smiles softly and tells me that she's his mom. My eyes slightly widen. I've never met his mom before. "How did you know I'm Charlie?"

"He told me about you and I took a guess. I flew out right after they called me saying he was in an accident." She tells me. She brought me to the floor he's on and the two of us sat in the waiting room. She filled me in on everything. How he was driving and must have fallen asleep behind the wheel. Because next thing after that he's on the wrong side of the road where an oncoming car hits him.

She said that doctors didn't say much and are still running tests so she doesn't know much either. Just please let him be okay. Please.

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