Chapter Twenty-Three

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He is patiently waiting in another room as I'm finishing up dinner. I made him stay out of the kitchen while I'm cooking because it's all going to be a surprise. I'm just hoping that it doesn't taste gross and that he tells me the truth. It got done and I have everything set out on the table. He smiles at the dinner I've prepared after I called him into the kitchen.

"It looks great, thank you." He compliments. We sit and begin to eat. I'm taking slow bites to see his reaction and if he likes it. "I love it...I know that's why you're watching me. Don't worry about it darling, it's amazing." He reassures me. I thank him and continue eating. We have a good dinner before washing all the dishes. It's been a while since the two of us sat down and watched a movie so that's what we did.

He grabs a blanket before joining me on the couch. We're cuddled up close to each other, my head resting on his shoulder, his head resting on mine. The blanket is draped over us both as his arm is protectively wrapped around my body. This is amazing and feels right. Harry picked this movie so I'm not totally sure what it is but he promised it's good. 

We only got halfway through the movie before I ended up falling asleep. It was quite a day and I'm pretty exhausted. My eyes opened the next morning to see I'm laying on top of Harry. The blanket is still draped over us as I'm cuddled up to his chest. I sit up a bit and smile down at him. He is such a peaceful sleeper. His lips are parted slightly, his breathing is slowed, and he kind of snores a little.

"Why are you watching me?" He asks, his eyes still closed.

"Sorry. It's comforting watching you sleep. You're so peaceful." I chuckle. His eyes open and he looks right into mine. He reaches his hand up and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear before caressing my cheek. A faint but small smile appears on his face. "I love you, Charlie." He whispers.

"I love you too, silly," I smile but he shook his head.

"No, baby," he wraps me in his arms. "When I say I love you I mean, your smile, your laughter at my stupid jokes, the sparkle in your eyes when doing something you love, and your compassion for others. I love you." He tells me causing my heart to skip a beat and me to blush wildly.

"Harry," my voice comes out weak. "I'm speechless. It's so hard to follow that up." I playfully chuckle. He pulls me down closer to kiss my forehead.

"Don't say anything. I already know you love me back." He assured me. I never thought I'd say this before but Harry Styles has totally won over my heart. "Let's get dressed," he smiles. "I'm taking you out for breakfast."

I nod and start to go find something to wear. As I'm quickly running a brush through my hair, my phone lights up with a text. Slight excitement fills my stomach  seeing Hanna's name pop up on my screen. She finally texted me back. She asked me to call her as soon as I could. I'm sure Harry won't mind if I call her real quick. A few rings later and I heard her say hello on the other line.

"Hanna, how are you?" I ask her. She begins to fill me in on everything that happened since that awful dinner we had. She says that right after they flew back to Vegas, he admitted what he did to me and she ended things. They haven't spoke since and she's sorry for everything she said and how he treated me. "I'm so sorry." I apologize.

We make up and it feels good to have my best friend back. Before ending the call she wishes Harry and I the best and I thank her. "Ready?" He asks once I set my phone down. I look up and see him standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Sure." I smile. As we ate breakfast, I filled him in on the phone call with Hanna. He is happy we made up and said that he feels bad they broke up. But he and I both know we won't miss that prick. After we got back home he got a phone call and said it's important and has to take it. I watched as he left the room to take the call. I'm not skeptical or anything because I trust him but lately he's been taking a lot of secret calls.

It all started in South Carolina. Then when the call ends, he walks back in the room all excited. It makes me wonder what these calls are about. I wonder if it would be prying if I ask. Sure enough he walks back in the room excited. I've got to know. "Who was that?" I ask. He shrugs it off.

"No one. Just someone from my team." He lies. That wasn't a very good lie but I'm afraid to pry so I just don't say anything. Since we haven't had a good night out in a while, we made plans to go out tonight and have fun. We're going to a club this time instead of some boring old bar. It will be fun to dance and let loose after this past week.

Later that night I put on my best dress and heels before doing my makeup. I'm trying to look my best tonight and really want to impress Harry. I know we're already together but it's still fun to want to impress him. I'm wearing a sparkly black dress with black heels to match. I gave myself some beach curls with my curling wand. My hair lays loosely over my shoulders.

I enter the bedroom where he stood in front of the full length mirror, buttoning up his white dress shirt. He saw me in the background and turned around quickly. His eyes looked me up and down, making me feel self conscious. "Hope I look okay." I smile.

"Okay?" His eyebrow raises. "Darling you look absolutely breathtaking." He compliments. I thank him and assure him how great he looks in his dressy clothes. I'm so excited to spend the night out with the man I've grown to adore so much.

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