Chapter Eight

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We both had breakfast at some cafe the next morning but didn't really talk about the kiss. He is sitting there sipping on his coffee as I'm picking at my pancakes. It was so passionate that it's hard to not talk about. I glance up at him and see his eyes closed while the cup of coffee is pressed against his lips. His lips. They were soft and warm. This might sound weird but it's like his lips were made for mine. Like we were made for each other.

His eyes look tired, like sleep never came to him last night and his hair is a mess, like he never bothered to do anything with it after waking up. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He looks up at me after staring down at the eggs and hash brown on his plate.

"Uh yea, I've just got a headache." He lets out in a quiet tone. I only nod and take a drink of my own coffee. I'm not a hot coffee fan so I got an iced latte. His phone starts to ring and he looks down at it. "Sorry, I got to take this." He apologizes then walks outside. A few minutes pass and he walks back inside the restaurant.

"Something wrong?" My eyebrow raises. He shakes his head no and assures me everything is fine. I wonder why he is acting a bit cold today. Maybe kissing him wasn't the best idea. I wonder if it's something I did. We soon get back to the hotel where we shower and get ready for the day. We're here in Texas until tomorrow afternoon so we want to explore a couple of spots.

As we are exploring today, he doesn't say much and it's just confusing me why. I'm not questioning him because it's none of my business and he will tell me when he wants to. By the time dinner rolled around we went back to the hotel and he told me to dress nice and be ready before 7. All he would say is that he wants to take me out somewhere nice and has some news for me. Now I'm excited to see what.

He drove us to this expensive but nice looking restaurant where we got out and went inside. A nice man seated us and took our drink orders. "Why did you bring me here?" I ask him.

"I've got exciting news for you and when googling restaurants, this one came up." He teased and I playfully rolled my eyes. They come back with our drinks and we were finally ready to order. Honestly everything on the menu looks expensive. He noticed me hesitating and smiled. "Order whatever you want," he assures me. "Tonight is on me."

I don't normally let people pay for me because I feel bad so I'm not going to argue with him now. I'll just wait until the bill comes. It's amusing doing the check dance when going to eat with people. You both argue until in the end one person ends up paying the bill. He just doesn't know it's going to be me. It's not like I don't have the money but I normally don't eat at expensive places.

The waiter leaves when he gets our orders and I smile. "When are you going to be sharing this news with me?" I ask him.

"After dinner; you're going to have to wait."

I'm just too excited to wait. Dinner went by really slow because he decided to make me wait but the time came. He knows how much I wanna hear what he's got to say and is sitting there smiling at me. "What's the news?" I ask in an anxious but excited tone.

"This is something I've actually been planning for two days. I'm taking you to Hawaii." He finally says and it's clear by my facial expression that I'm shocked.

"That's great but we can't drive there." I remind him.

"I know but we're going to fly on a private plane that I've arranged for us. Everything is already planned. I just need you to say yes." He has a look of plead on his face. A small smile forms on my face and I say yes. He grinned excitedly and well, I guess this is happening. Definitely not apart of the plan but I'm happy about it.

He gave me all the details and we leave tomorrow morning. The next stop after Texas was Louisiana because I've always dreamed of going to New Orleans but that can wait. We get back to the hotel and get our things together for tomorrow. He gave me all the details about leaving but never told me where we're staying. I'm wondering if he planned that too.

He must have because that's an important part of traveling. Instead of worrying about it I go to bed. The next morning we leave for the airport. I've flown on a plane probably a handful of times before so this isn't anything new for me. We get there and someone takes our bags while we board the plane. It's big and we get it all to ourselves.

The pilot asks us if we're ready for take off and I nod happily. "Any particular reason you planned this trip?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I talked to your dad and he told me you've never been so I thought taking you here would be a nice surprise for your travel the country plan."

"You talked to my dad about it?" I question and he nods. Sounds like he really thought this through. For the next eight hours we talked, I napped, and we watched a movie. The one thing that was a struggle to get used to is the time zone. We left early this morning but the place we flew from is five hours ahead of Hawaii. So the current time right now is 11am.

A smile spread across my face seeing how beautiful it is as we were flying over the islands. The plane started landing and getting closer to the ground which gave me a better view of the ocean and more. Who knew Hawaii was so beautiful. When he saw my lit up face, he smiled. We get off the plane and he already had a car arranged for us. He opens the passenger seat door for me and I thank him before he gets in the drivers side. "Where are we going?" I ask him.

"It's apart of the surprise." He winks at me and I roll my eyes. He pulls into the driveway of a large house and my eyes almost pop out of my head. It's quite a big home. There's no way he rented a huge Airbnb for the two of us. After the car is parked we got out and I couldn't take my eyes off the house.

"Welcome to your home for the next week." He whispers in my ear.

"Week?" I smile. He nods and I thank him for this amazing trip. He grabs our stuff and we head inside. Its so gorgeous and spacious inside. When walking out the back door there is literally the beach. There's a small patio then the rest of its sand and ocean. "This house does have four bedrooms so choose whichever you want." He tells me while coming outside where I stood on the patio.

"This is such a gorgeous view. I'm only imagining what it looks like at night." I say.

"Probably perfect." He replies. We end up taking the rooms next to each other. My stuff is set on top of the dresser and I take out some of my toiletries before placing them in the bathroom. This trip is perfect. And I'm starting to believe Harry is too.

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