Chapter Fourteen

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Hours have passed and still nothing. I'm sure this is killing her more than it is me. To pass the time and take her mind off of her son, she told me a few of his childhood stories. Some of them he would be embarrassed about and others are super cute. She even showed me some of his baby pictures on her phone. He's lucky to have such a great mom in his life.

She ended up going to get some coffee and I assured her that if there's any news I'd let her know immediately. But sadly there wasn't. When she got back we continued waiting together until the time we've been waiting for has finally come. The doctor came out and walked over to us. "How is he?" She asked the doctor. He smiles and tells us that Harry is just fine.

"The accident caused him to have a couple of bruised ribs, and a brain bleed. We got it under control and he will be fine. But we want to keep him overnight for observation. He's sleeping right now but only family is allowed back." He informs us.

"Oh no need to worry," she smiles. "Charlie is family."

That made me smile and I told her go see him first since that's her son. She was back there for a while until telling me to go on in. I thanked her and went to his room. Quietly and slowly, I shut the door behind me. Looking at him laying there asleep with bandages on his head made my heart hurt. He shouldn't be laying there right now. This shouldn't have happened.

I sit down in the chair next to his bed and grab his hand in mine. My thumb rubbed circles across the back of his hand. Seeing him like this feels unreal. "This wasn't supposed to be the plan," I let out. "You weren't supposed to be here and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for that stupid argument. I should have listened to you. Leaving wasn't the right choice and maybe then you wouldn't be in this bed."

I pull his hand up to my lips and leave a gentle kiss. A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. "I'm so happy you're okay. I'm not sure what I'd do if something happened to you. I..." I close my eyes and let more tears fall. The words aren't coming out due to me being all choked up. "Harry I love you." I choke out through tears.

"I wanted to say that first." He whispers. My head shot up and saw him staring at me. I smile so wide I probably looked crazy.

"You're awake?" I happily say while leaning down to give him a hug. He hugs me back and we stay like that for a while. I'm scared if I let him go he will disappear. We finally do pull away and he cups my cheek in his hand. "I heard you. Every word and I'm sorry too. I should have talked to you and not accepted that money." He admits.

"I don't care about that money. All I care about is that you're here and that nothing worse happened. You mean more to me than I was letting myself believe. You're starting to become a very important person in my life." I say while holding onto his hand that was caressing my cheek.

"You mean a lot to me too Charlie. After you left I decided to come win you back by driving your car home to you but last night I got tired and couldn't wait to see you. Instead of stopping, I kept driving and the last thing I remember is falling asleep." He spoke.

"Please don't ever do something like this to me again." I beg him. He chuckles and nods his head in agreement. He grabs the remote to the bed and presses the button to lift his head up more. "What are you doing?" I ask him. He motions for me to come closer and I do.

"Closer." He says and I lean in closer. He closes the space by placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss before returning it. I rest my forehead on his and stare into his eyes. This man. This one single human has changed everything for me in the course of a week. He doesn't actually realize how much I care about him. "By the way," he whispered. "I love you too."

I grin and leave him with one more kiss before pulling away completely. A doctor comes in and checks on him. I tell him he should take some time to see his mom and I'll be right here when he's ready. He spends time with her and when it got late I told him to rest and I'll be back in the morning.

Going home and trying to sleep through the night felt impossible when he's in the hospital. I know he's okay and he's not alone but it doesn't feel right to me. When I got up in the morning my mom told me to use her car again and that her and my dad are glad he's okay. I thank her before heading back up to the hospital.

Just as I'm about to enter his room I stop dead in my tracks. He's arguing with his mom.

"You need to come home so I can take care of you." She says to him.

"Mom I'm sorry but no. I want Charlie. We've got stuff to work out and it would be hard to do that thousands of miles away from each other." He said. She sighs and it's quiet for a minute.

"Promise me you will take care of yourself and never let anything like this happen again." She begs him. He agrees with her and I poke my head in to see him hugging her. "Okay, well I'm not leaving until tomorrow so you're stuck with me until then." She says to him. He laughs and tells her that he's happy she's here.

When the time felt right, I knock on the door catching both their attention. They both smile when seeing me and invite me inside. "Hey," he greets while giving me a big hug. "I'm about to get released and I'm happy your here." He said.

"I'm going to let you two talk and go see if your discharge papers are ready." She says. He nodded and she left the room.

"Your mom is sweet and I loved those baby pictures she showed me yesterday." I grin.

"Oh no," he groans. "I hate when she does that."

I laugh and give him another hug. This hug was different though. I hold him close and tight enough that it doesn't hurt him. He noticed something felt off and asked if I'm okay. "Everything is perfect, I'm just scared of letting go." I reply.

"Then don't." He said while running his fingers through my hair. Our hug lasted a really long time and I didn't mind. We eventually pull away and look at each other. "I'm so lucky to have you." He smiles.

"I'm luckier." I replied.

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