Chapter Nine

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We both had the same idea and wanted to go sightseeing before heading to the grocery store for something for dinner. The first thing we did is drive around this small town where all the people looked friendly. We went to a couple of stores but didn't get much. Next we found a store to get some groceries. He told me he wanted to cook for me so he grabbed all the food but I made sure to add a bottle of red wine in that shopping cart.

"You're such an alcoholic." He teased me and it made me laugh.

"Perhaps I am. Is that a problem?" I smirk. He surrenders and we continue shopping. When we got home he started cooking our food while I sit at the kitchen island with my glass of wine, watching him. He draped a blue dish towel over his shoulder while frying up some veggies. "Who taught you how to cook?" I frown while setting my glass down.

"My mom. She taught me a lot growing up." He replied. I nod and ask him if he wants any help. He refused my help so I just watch. When he finished cooking, the food looked amazing. It's chicken, veggies, and mashed potatoes. "This meal I actually learned to cook myself," he says while setting the plates down at the table and joining me. "But my mom showed me a few things about making a good chicken."

"It's pretty cool you know how to cook. I'm only able to make a handful of things." I say. He waits patiently as I try the first bite and it taste great. He did so good and I was sure to tell him that. We enjoyed our dinner and I got to know more about him. He told me a couple of things about his life and in return I shared some stuff with him. It was only fair that I'd do the dishes since he made the meal. He tried to offer his help but this time I said no.

"Do you wanna go swimming?" I turn around and ask him after finishing the dishes. He said yes and we ran to put our bathing suits on. Not literally ran but still. I go outside and by this time, it's dark outside and night time is here. We're going night swimming. He must still be changing so I go put my feet in the water and it's warmer than expected. Because it feels good, I go further in until all you can see is my shoulders up.

He eventually comes outside wearing a pair of swim trunks and joins me in the water. "This is warm." He states.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," I reply as he swims further into the ocean.

"Join me." He motions for me to come further out with him and an idea popped into my head. I never forgot when he pranked me with that gummy spider. It's his turn to get pranked.

"I don't know Harry, I can't swim that well." I lie.

"You'll be okay, if you drown I'll save you." He reassures me. Nodding my head I swim further out to where he is. Just then I pretend that I can't swim any further and start drowning.

"I...can't swim." I say while coming above the water, struggling for air. "Help."

He rushes over to me and grabs me in his arms and holds me close to him. "Thank you," I breathe. "Also I'm a great swimmer so you fell for my prank." I laugh. He lets me go and splashes me in the face causing me to laugh more. "Remember that gummy spider prank?" I ask and he groaned.

"That wasn't life or death. You pretended to drown." He defended.

"I'm sorry." I apologize but all with a smile on my face. He rolled his eyes knowing it's a half assed apology. He splashed me again so I splashed him back. That caused us to chase each other around and splash each other. He then goes under the water right before I could splash him. A few seconds go by and he still was under the water. "Harry!" I yell. There's no answer.

He seriously better not be getting me back right now. It started to worry me because it feels impossible to hold your breath that long. I felt something grab my legs and scream while trying to swim away. He emerges from the water and grabs me in his arms and yells "gotcha!"

"I guess that's fair," I laugh. "But don't think this is over."

"Never did." He says while staring into my eyes. His arms are still tightly wrapped around my body as he moves in closer to me. Our faces are inches apart, his lips brushed against mine. My arms wrap around his neck and I close the space between us in a rough kiss. He kisses me back, his hands roaming my body. He grabs my legs and wrapped my legs around him.

This feels more close more intimate than our last kiss. We're holding each other tightly, neither one of us daring to break this kiss. That soon got ruined when he pulled away. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "But if we're gonna do this then I want our first time together to be more special."

"That's okay." I reply. "I think we both want this but we should wait. Make it memorable."

"Meaningful." He says. We don't go any further than that but chose to have a bonfire and relax after swimming. When it got late I went to bed and he stayed back saying that he's not tired yet. I woke up around 9am the next day and went to find him in the living room. He's spread out across the couch sleeping with a notebook on his chest.

He's covering it with his arm so I can only make out the first sentence of what he wrote. It says "buy her flowers."

A frown makes it way onto my face but I cover him up with a blanket and go make myself some cereal. I'm about to get done eating when he sits up on the couch and groans while running a hand through his hair. "Good morning." I smile. He turns and looks at me with a tired expression on his face.

"Coffee." Is all he says while going to make a pot. It made me chuckle and watch him make a pot of coffee. After putting my bowl in the sink I tell him I'm going to take a shower. He just nods and takes the first sip of his coffee. A warm shower is exactly what I needed. I get dressed and start brushing my hair. There's a knock on my door and I tell him to come in.

"Are you okay here if I run a few errands today?" He asks me. I nod and he smiles before leaving to get ready. I'll just take this time to explore more of this house and maybe go on a walk. Our house is in a nice looking neighborhood. Today feels like it will be a good one and I'm looking forward to it.

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