Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Harry pov

My eyes opened when I felt around the bed and realized Charlie isn't next to me anymore. As I'm climbing out of bed I hear something smash onto the floor followed by another loud noise. "Charlie!" I call for her as I rush down the stairs trying to see if she's okay. My heart sinks from my chest seeing her unconscious on the kitchen floor next to some broken glass.

I knelt down next to her and checked to see if she's still breathing. I felt some relief when she had a pulse. "Charlie, sweetheart wake up." I call to her. As I'm about to grab my phone to call someone, she starts waking up. Her eyes are slowly opening; she's looking around confused. When she saw me she sits up and pulls me into a hug. I hold her in my arms, so happy she's okay. "What happened?" I ask her calmly.

"I had a panic attack and...I don't remember after that." She tells me. I try and pull her closer to me, burying my face in her neck.

"Baby you need to come to me when these things happen so I can help you." I pull away from her and stare into her eyes. My hands are cupping her cheeks.

"I didn't want to bother you." She lets out.

"Don't ever think that you're feelings are a bother to me. I know what you're going through, my anxiety can get bad some times too. You are never alone." I reassure her. She didn't say anything and just hugs onto me again. This time I never want to let her go. "I'm worried about you, do you think you need to go to the hospital or are you alright?" I ask her.

"I'm fine, just really tired." She tells me. I lift her into my arms and carry her all the way to bed. I'm hesitant to let her walk and carrying her seemed like the best choice. She gets under the blankets and I join her. My arms protectively wrap around her body, holding her close to my chest. I run my fingers through her hair as she slowly falls asleep. This time I'm not going to sleep until I know she's sleeping safe and sound.

She eventually goes to sleep and I just watch over her for a moment. Taking in that I got so lucky to love this girl. She's absolutely perfect.

I woke up in the morning and see she's still sleeping peacefully next to me. I leave a kiss on her forehead before going downstairs and making some breakfast. She's going to be hungry when she gets up and I want to make her favorite. She's told me that she enjoys pancakes, maple syrup, strawberries, and toast. That's exactly what I decide to make her.

As I'm making the pancakes, she enters the room. I smile at her bed head and sleepy eyes. She's gorgeous. "Good morning, baby girl. Go ahead and sit down, it's almost ready."

"Good morning." She replied while sitting down at the kitchen table. I set the food down on the table and join her. "My favorite." She looks at me with a smile.

"I hope you like it." I grin. She takes a bite and winks at me. I smirk before taking the first bite. Breakfast is good and I decide not to bring up last night because I want her to feel comfortable telling me. After eating I wanted to take her shopping and let her buy anything she wants. Today is all about her, she deserves a day to get spoiled.

"Harry I don't feel comfortable with you buying me a bunch of stuff." She frowns as we pull into the parking lot. "It doesn't feel right to me."

"Charlie I want to do this. You deserve a whole day to yourself." I reassure her. She is very hesitant but nods. She made me agree that I can only buy her one thing and it can't be that expensive. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of today but it's what she wants. She finds something in the store that she likes and I buy it for her. We do some more shopping before going to grab lunch later in the day.

After we got home I set the bags down and frown when she completely disappears on me. I smile when seeing her outside in the pool. "What are you doing?" I laugh.

"It's hot and I don't feel like going to the beach today." She smiles at me. "Join me." She motions for me to jump in. I noticed that she got in with only her undergarments on. I smile while taking off all my clothes but leaving my underwear on. I jump in with her, surely splashing her.

Normally since I've always lived alone I never really used a lot of things like the pool in my houses. But having someone like Charlie to share it with makes it different. She's fun to be around and makes everyday something exciting for me. Sure we have our arguments but that can't top the bond we've formed together. I feel like I can't unlove her and honestly, I don't want to.

"What is that?" She asks me while pointing at the water. I frown.

"What?" I ask. She grabs my arm, pulling me closer to her to show me what she's pointing at. "I don't see anything." I say.

"This." She reached her hand up and splashed me in the face. I cannot believe I fell for that. I wipe the water from my eyes and look at her with a playful glare. Shes laughing at me the whole time.

"Why are you so easy to prank?" She asks more to herself. I roll my eyes and splash her back. She laughs and that starts a war between us. We chase each other around splashing each other. I grab her in my arms and pull her close to me. "This is payback." I say before throwing her.

She comes back up above the water with a smile on her face. "Okay, okay you got me back." She laughs. Later we get dressed and decide to head out and have dinner. The rest of the night with her felt like a dream and I'm so lucky to have her.

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