Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next day we had woke up and went straight to the airport and flew home. From there he had a driver take me home. We pull into the driveway of my house and I get out. Harry helps me grab my bags from the trunk and sighs. He grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug that I happily return. "Thank you, for everything." I mumble.

"Thank you for coming along with me." He says while pulling away. I smile and lean in to give him a quick kiss. It's just going to be weird not seeing him for a while after this much time together. He's leaving for London in two days. He's going to be gone for a few weeks. He told me this morning that he'd be leaving.

After saying our goodbyes, I head inside the house where it's quiet and seemingly empty. I call for my parents but there isn't any answer. My dad isn't in his office and my mom is no where to be found. I ask the butler we've had since I was a baby if he knew where they were. He says my dad is working and my mom went out this morning with some friends. She's at that stupid stuck up country club.

I thanked him for the information before taking my bags up to my room. He offered to take them but I wouldn't let him. I know it's his job but I hate having people wait on me like that. My parents don't seem to mind it but at least they treat them fairly. I dislike people that treat their staff poorly. I stare at my room and how it looks the same since I left. Only it looks much cleaner.

I let out a sigh, feeling odd to be home after weeks of being gone. Not really surprised my parents aren't here to greet me when they knew I'd be coming home. They've always been great parents but some times it sucked growing up with nanny's. I head downstairs and go into the kitchen for a snack. As I'm searching the fridge there's a knock at the door.

I rush to answer it and my eyes widen in shock. It's my nana. My dads mom. She is the best grandma in the entire world and has always spoiled me since I'm her only grandchild. My dad was an only child and I'm his only child so my nana loves spoiling me.

"Nana," I say surprised. "What are you doing here?" I ask while hugging onto her. She smiles while I help her bring her bags inside.

"Well honey I'm here to see you. It's been too long and I heard that you're dating again." She winks.

"Who told you that?" I laugh.

"Your mother. She says he's a great guy and I can't wait to meet him." She tells me. I assure her that Harry is amazing and he will love to meet her too. I help her get all her bags to the guest room before the butler brings us some tea. I thank him and ask my nana how her flight was. She lives all the way in Pennsylvania so it was kind of a long plane ride.

"It was a lot of turbulence but alls well. I wanna know more about this Harry guy. Is he treating you right?" She asks. Her and I have always been best friends growing up and I'm so incredibly lucky to have her. She doesn't keep up with music past the 70s so the name Harry Styles is new to her. She's the reason I enjoy a lot of older music like Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley.

"Yeah he treats me perfectly. He is a very sweet and a charming guy." I go on to tell her a bit more about him and she seemed to already like him without even meeting him. He seems to have that affect on people. My parents had soon got home and my dad greeted his mom happily. My dad never got to meet his father as a kid because when my dad turned two his dad left.

He had to grow up helping and taking care of nana so he is very protective of her. My dad swore that if he ever had kids he'd never abandon them. He kept that promise because I find him to be the best dad in the world. He also loves the fact that my mom and nana get along so well. Nana treats my mom like her own and it's amazing how close we are as a family.

"We should go out tonight and have dinner." My dad suggests.

"We should let nana pick since she is the guest." I say and my dad agrees. Later we get ready and head out to a very classy and nice restaurant. We all had to dress like we're going to some big red carpet event. It all went great and I'm so happy that she's here visiting us.

Later that night as I'm laying in bed my phone lights up with a text. The room is dark, the only source of light is coming from my phone. I check it and see Harry texted. I open it and smile while reading it.

H- goodnight beautiful

C- goodnight baby

He tells me that he loves me and I reply back saying that I love him too before shutting off my phone and closing my eyes. Sleeping came pretty easy that night and the next morning I had woken up to a huge breakfast that my nana made. She doesn't like people doing things for her either and prepared this huge breakfast for the family.

I thanked my nana for making such an incredible meal before taking a bite. She is probably one of the best cooks ever. I'm also very biased too. I'm not as close to my moms parents as I am with my dads mom. My moms parents are amazing and I love them but they have a lot of grandkids so I never got close to them like I did with nana.

My mom has one sister and two brothers. They all have kids of their own so I've got plenty of cousins. We're a bit of a large family and it really gets hectic at gatherings. My family likes to do reunions once a year to catch up. We still haven't done one this year yet. After breakfast, my nana and I went out shopping and spent a large part of the day together. I'm so happy she's here. Truly.

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