Chapter Ten

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Our house is just beautiful and it looks like I've chosen the biggest bedroom. My walk wasn't so bad either. The people are nice and greeted me. One of them did think we were the new neighbors and it got awkward but it's all great. Around noon is when he got back and found me out on the patio enjoying the sun.

He sits next to me and I ask him where he's been the last few hours. He said he had to run to a few different places and pick some things up. He acted secretive when I asked what he needed to get and said it'd be a surprise. We didn't want to sit at the house all day and chose to go to the beach. Today is a hot day so it's crowded with people everywhere.

We find a spot to put our things then go straight into the ocean. He starts swimming further out into water before motioning me to join him. I do and he splashes me. I laugh and splash him back. "Ok I have a bet for you," I begin and he nods for me to continue. "Who can hold their breath the longest?"

"This will be a challenge you lose Charlotte." He smirks. He goes under the water and I start counting. He comes back up when I get to 32 seconds and I laugh at him. "You were under the water longer last night."

"I'd like to see you do better." He said. I go under and it felt kind of odd. As soon as my head went under the water, all the voices around me faded out. Nothing but silence around me. When it became a struggle to breathe I came back up and he had a smile on his face. "Looks like you won Charlotte Rose." He says while calling me by my full name.

"How long?" I ask and he tells me 40 seconds. "Looks like I'm better than you." I laugh and he splashes me again. A beach day is a good idea. After we got out of the water, the two of us relax and get some sun. It really is a beautiful day outside. That's why it was sad when the day came to an end.

My idea of ending a good day is taking a bubble bath so that's what I did. It's nice to relax in the tub and not have an worries. This Hawaii trip might be the best part of my plan. Well this wasn't in my plan but I'm glad it is now. At first I really thought my parents were messed up for asking him to go with me but now I'm grateful they did. If not then we would have never became friends and had all this fun.

I went to bed later after my bath wondering what else is in store for this week. The smell of breakfast is what woke me up the next morning. My tired body crawled out of bed and headed for the kitchen. He's standing next to the stove, placing cut up strawberries next to some pancakes. "Good morning beautiful." He smirks when seeing me.

"Good morning. This all looks great." I smile.

"Good because it's done and these are for you." He hands me a bouquet of flowers and I thank him. He joins me at the table and takes a bite of food.

"Where did you get all this?" I motion to the breakfast and flowers.

"While you slept this morning I went out and bought a few things. I might of planned this day out for us." He told me while handing me a sheet of paper. I frown at him before reading it. He made a list of every single thing we're gonna do today. It's the very last thing on the list that caught my eye.

"Wait so you planned out us having-" I start and he nods his head.

"Remember? I want this night to be special for you and perfect. So we're going to spend the day together before I show you all the special things I've planned for you." He winked at me. My stomach did a cartwheel and took in a breath. We ate breakfast and talked about the day he planned. First thing he scheduled is for me to have a massage at a spa then get my nails done. "But we're not doing any of this together." I frown.

He told me that he wants me to treat myself first and he's got other stuff to do first. So after getting ready I leave and do the things on the list. It was great but I'm excited to see what more he could possibly do. He told me there's things he planned that aren't on the list. We met up at the house where he took me out to lunch then we did some shopping where he wouldn't under any circumstances let me pay.

Since he wanted to buy everything I tried not to go crazy. The day isn't too wild and by the end we went to dinner and I wore one of the outfits he bought me. He complimented me by saying I look stunning. As soon as we got back to the house he covered my eyes with his hands and told me it's a surprise. He lead me into the house and I'm not sure where else because I can't see.

"Ready?" He whispers in my ear. I shake my head yes and he removes his hands from my face. It almost made me gasp seeing what he did to my bedroom. There's rose pedals all over my bed and the floor. He even somehow changed the lighting, trying to set the mood is my guess. He had to of put LED lights somewhere. The whole room is lit up red. He went all out and more for me.

He told me that he even made me a CD full of songs he knew I'd like. What did I ever do to deserve all this? You'd never think Harry could be this romantic or charming. He's watching my face take all this in.

"This is amazing." I say.

"I just want you to have a good time and relax." He spoke.

"You're incredible." I tell him before leaning in to kiss him. He kisses me back happily while letting his arms snake around my waist. He pulled me so close there's absolutely no space left between us. As it started to get more heated, he lifts me up and lays me across the bed. His hand starts roaming my body but eventually stops and he pulls away.

"Before I forget," he starts and turns on the music he planned for this.

"It's nice, I just hope you didn't put any Harry Styles in there. I can't stand that guy." I tease and he fake laughs before going back to kissing me. Now that this moment is finally here and we're actually doing this, I'm happy we waited. Tonight is a night I'll definitely remember. No guy ever did this for me before. He runs his hand along my upper thigh but stopped at my panties.

"Before we go any further are you sure this is something you want?" He asks me. I shake my head yes and tell him I'm positive this is what I want. He nods and starts unbuckling his belt. I watch as he slides his pants down around his ankles and onto the floor. Next to come off was his shirt. Before I knew it my dress is discarded to the floor and we're both left in our undergarments. So we're naked but not completely.

He kisses my lips before slowly trailing down my body. My breathing is heavy due to the anxiety leading up to this. He is leaving a trail of kisses all down my body before looking up at me and giving a soft smile. Slowly but surely he slides my panties down my legs. He next removed his boxers and crawled back on top of me.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. His face is inches from mine when I connect our lips in a kiss. He puts everything into this kiss as I do the same. I can't believe this is actually happening. It's finally happening.

An Unexpected Love | Harry Styles Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora