Chapter Twenty-One

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I close the door behind them after they leave the hotel. My heart is racing from all the drama that just happened less than ten minutes ago in the kitchen. I'm taking in deep breaths when I hear my name being called from behind me. Turning around, I see Harry standing there looking at me with defeat in his eyes and a bloody nose. Bloody nose is all he got compared to what he did to Cole.

He only punched him a couple of times but it's sure to leave a bruise in the morning. "Your nose," I say quietly. "It's bleeding."

He feels for the blood and is slightly shocked to see the small amount of blood on his fingers. "I don't really care about that right now. Are you okay?" He asks me. I sigh and grab his hand, leading him to the bathroom. He stays quiet and watches me grab a wet washcloth. It's completely silent between us as I'm wiping his face, until I spoke.

"I know you were angry and just trying to protect me. I'm not upset. This isn't what I wanted for our trip but that's not any of our fault but his." I say before finishing up with his nose. He cups my cheek in his hand and forces me to look him in the eyes.

"I'm always going to try and protect you. Charlie you mean the world to me." He lets out and I nod. Without saying a word I just pull him into a hug and we held each other like that for a while. It feels good having him in my arms right now. He does make me feel safe but I've never seen that level of anger out of him before. You could see it in his eyes. He was seething with anger by the whole situation.

After our hug the two of us laid down to just sleep because that's really what we need right now. It took me a minute but eventually I drifted off into a deep sleep. The next day I'm woken to someone shaking me. My eyes opened to see Harry standing over me with a smile on his face. That's really creepy. "Good morning." I frown.

"Good morning," he replies. "I've got a surprise for you. It's a way of making up for last night." He holds his hand out for me to take. I take his hand and he leads me to the bathroom. A smile forms on my face seeing the bubble bath he has ready for me. "I want you to enjoy yourself while I go make you some breakfast." He tells me.

I grab his arm as he starts to walk out of the room and he turns to face me. "Join me?" I raise an eyebrow and he smiles. His eyes never leave my body as I strip out of my clothes and climb into the tub. He joins me before wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. I rest my head on his chest as he grabs a wet washcloth and squeezes the water on my chest.

This is a nice bath that I'm thankful to him for doing for me. "This is perfect, thank you." I smile up at him. He places a soft kiss on my forehead and smiles back at me. "Of course." He replied. He runs the soapy washcloth across my body, making me feel more relaxed. It's intimate moments like these that make me so grateful to have him. After our bath we sat and had breakfast together. I'm just trying to put last night out of my mind. I think he is too.

Since we were only here for three days, we do as much as we can today because we're leaving first thing in the morning. We actually had a great day wandering the city and putting last night out of our heads. By the end of it we headed back and got our things packed up. It kind of hurt my heart that I haven't heard from Hanna all day. There's no way that all those years of friendship went down the drain.

I sat on the balcony alone, my finger hovering over the call button. Maybe her and I should talk and not leave things like this. At the end of the day we've been through a lot and no guy will change that. "Everything okay?" Harry asks as he steps outside and sits next to me. I sigh and close my phone before setting it down.

"I miss my best friend." I say. He gives me an apologetic look, leaning back in his chair.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I wish I could fix this for you."

I assure him that it's fine and nothing he can do about it. Maybe when she's ready to talk she will reach out to me. Hopefully it will be soon so we can just talk through all of it. Sleep didn't come easy that night and by the next morning, I decided to send her a text. I told her I'm sorry for everything that happened and when she wants to talk I'm ready.

We're heading to our last stop on this whole trip and it's Miami Florida. Harry told me that he has a house there that we can stay in and again that news didn't surprise me. This time we're going to be there for another week before heading back home to California. These past couple of weeks spent with Harry are some that I will always hold with me. Who would have thought the two of us would be together like this or getting along so well?

Throughout the entire flight and even on the way to his house, she had never texted me back. I wanna give her some time to come to terms with who her boyfriend really is but I miss her. She's like a sister to me and every time we fight, we're always friends again the next day. I don't know though, this fight is worse than any other we have ever had.

I tried not to look so glum as Harry drove us to his house. I want this trip to be fun and for him not to have to coddle me. I give him a smile and watch out the window at cars pass us by. Hopefully everything will be okay again by the end of this trip.

An Unexpected Love | Harry Styles Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin