Chapter Four

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After introducing the two of them, I left them to get to know each other while walking over to the bartender and ordering some more drinks. He left to make my order and I sat down to wait. Looking over, my eyes can clearly see that she is trying hard to flirt with him. But it's hard to read him so I'm not sure if he is interested or not. He glances over at me and smiles then looks back at her. My stomach grew butterflies at that look, and it made me feel sick that he could do that to me.

I'm not supposed to like him. We're supposed to hate each other. Plus in my opinion they seem to be starting to hit it off. I could have potentially found two soulmates. They better be thanking me at their wedding. I'm like a match maker. "Hey," a guy smiles as he sits next to me. He's pretty. His eyes are a dark green and he is wearing some dark blue jeans with a red flannel. His hair is a sandy blonde color and is slicked back.

"I'm Cole. What's your name?" He asks.

"Charlie." I smirk. We start talking and he seems really nice. We start talking and glancing over I notice Harry staring my way but something's different in his eyes.  It seems like the green in his eyes are much darker and the expression on his face hardened. I ignore it and listen to the guy in front of me.

"I'm sorry," Cole smiles. "I feel like I've been going on about me forever. What's your story? I would like to get to know you."

"Oh I'm not that interesting." I lie. I've always avoided telling people my life right away because some people aren't the nicest. I give him some lie about myself and he eats it up. The night started feeling like a drag so I decide I wanna head back to the room and sleep. I say goodbye to Cole and head outside. Suddenly I feel a hand on my lower back and turn my head to see that Cole had followed me outside.

"I can drive you home if you want. It's pretty late." He said.

"No thank you. My friend is on his way outside right now." I lie. Harry is inside but he wasn't leaving. My body shifts uncomfortably in an attempt to remove his hand from my waist. His grip only tightens and my anxiety rises. "Dang, I left my phone inside." I lie and try to walk back inside but he pulls me to his side.

"You won't need that." He whispers.

"Okay let me go," I glare but he doesn't.

"Let her go man." I hear that familiar British accent and felt happy for the first time to ever hear it. The dude turned around and frowned.

"Do you know him?" He asks me while pointing at Harry. I nod my head yes. Harry looked into my eyes and saw me pleading him to help me get this guys hand off of me. "Well she's going home with me tonight."

"Listen it wouldn't be in my best interest to end up in the news tomorrow for fighting a drunk dick in front of a Las Vegas bar. But I will if it means you get your hands off my girl." Harry says to the guy.

"Whatever bro. This one stupid girl isn't worth all this drama." He laughs and shoved me hard enough that Harry caught me in his arms. He leaves and I look up at Harry as he has a strong hold on my hips.

He finally looks down at me and we stare into each others eyes. It was almost as if the world around us faded away and it was only the two of us. "Are you okay?" He asks me. I nod my head yes. "We should go back to the hotel." He whispers. We pull away and head to my car. He didn't really drink so he drove us back.

"My girl?" I ask him after he starts driving back. He turned his head to look at me then back at the road. I'm curious and want to know why he called me his girl.

"What?" He frowns.

"Never mind." I whisper and lean my head back.

"I said it because I thought he'd let you go if he thought you were in a relationship. That was me being dumb." He admitted.

"That was you trying to see the good in someone." I say and he gives a faint smile but I noticed it. By the time we get back I'm exhausted and want to just collapse into my bed. We say goodnight and I head right to bed.

The next morning after waking up, I text Hanna and just told her I got sick and went home and apologized. She told me it's okay and she's happy to have seen me. Today is our last day in Vegas and we planned on just going shopping and doing a few other things. I finish getting ready and text Harry and asked if he's ready. He replies saying he will meet downstairs.

My brain starts remembering last night and it makes me feel sick. I really thought that guy was nice. He was just a complete creep. This wasn't supposed to be the plan. My trip wasn't supposed to go this way. The plan was me and the open road. Now it's Harry and some drunk guy from last night. I'm grateful for what he did for me but part of me wants to go home and pretend this trip never happened.

Sighing I grab my purse and go down to meet him. He noticed the down look on my face and asked me if I'm okay. I nod and start walking to my car. "Any specific place you want to go to?" I ask while pulling out of the parking lot.

"I think there's an outlet of stores just down the road." He tells me. I nod and start driving there. I can tell he wants to ask me if there's something wrong but is trying to keep it to himself. It's not his fault or anything. I just want to go home. My parents are right about me. Maybe having a babysitter was a good choice.

"Would you be upset if I decided to go home?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He frowns and gives me a look of confusion.

"Is this about last night or do you really feel this way?"

"Maybe both. I don't know though. What happened last night was scary but this trip doesn't feel the way it did when I planned it in my head."

He got quiet for a second then sighed. "Can I take you somewhere?" He asked and I frown but nod. "Okay at the next light turn left." He starts giving me instructions. I wonder where he's taking me. We eventually pull into the parking lot of some diner. It's old looking and very little amount of cars.

"What are we doing here?" I chuckled confused. He makes me follow him inside without any questions asked. As soon as we set foot inside the staff smile and yells Harry.

"Hey guys." He says.

"Guys this is my friend Charlotte. Give her the usual." He tells them and the cook nods. We sit at a booth and the confusion in me grows.

"What is happening? I'm starting to get scared." I laugh.

"No one except my mom knows this but when I go on tour I always try to find one diner in each of the 50 states."

"Why?" I ask.

"Well some times before a show I get really anxious and in my head about stuff. So if I'm feeling anxiety or depressed, I'll come to my diner and get the usual. It gives me time to think and relax before having to preform. Your the first person I brought with me to one." He admits to me.

"What's your usual?" I smile.

"An all American burger with curly fries and a large vanilla milkshake." He says.

"Oh very American of you." I tease. He laughs.

"Maybe you'll have to come to London with me some time and try some good food." He grins.

"Maybe I will."

The waitress comes out and hands us our food. I thank her and stare at the good looking burger. It all looks super good. I'm happy he brought me here. It definitely helped my mood.

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