Chapter Nineteen

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The rest of our trip here in South Carolina was amazing and he made it special for me. It's a trip I'm grateful he took me on. He's got such a generous heart that I'm not sure he realizes it. But since the trip is over he wants to take me to all my bucket list places. For starters he wants to take me to New York. It was actually last on my list but he changed the order on me. I'm still happy about it nonetheless.

When we left for the airport he started telling me some fun things he's got planned for us in New York. Also my friend Hanna said that she's gonna fly there to see me and introduce me to her new boyfriend. I'm happy for her and can't wait to meet him. When she found out Harry and I were dating, she screamed and congratulated me. She's still a fan of his but told me not to let someone as great as him go. Of course I'm not going to. He means so much to me and I'm incredibly thankful to have him.

The flight wasn't anything interesting. We talked for most of it but when we landed, he had a car waiting for us. This time we're not staying in a house. We have a hotel we're staying in. But that's because we're only going to be here for three days. After that we're heading off to another place he has planned for us. This entire trip is him trying to make up for the last one not going so well.

When the driver parked us in front of a very large and fancy looking hotel, shock wasn't my first feeling. He's always trying get the nicest places for us to stay. And since he planned all this, I'm not sure what the day has in store. We grab our bags before he checks us in. This time shock did appear on my features when seeing our room. It's insane. Our hotel room looks like a penthouse apartment.

"Harry," I say while looking around the room. "You didn't have to do this."

"For you I did. You're special and deserve all the best things out of life." He replied. My heart melts at his words and I kiss his cheek. Like I said before, generous heart. He showed me to our room which is just as big as the living room. It's actually so beautiful here and I'm super grateful. "Let me show you my favorite part." He smirks. He leads me to the bathroom and shows me a white claw foot tub.

"Imagine taking a bath in that." He whispers before walking out of the bathroom. I roll my eyes at his words because he knows exactly what he did by saying that in my ear. The rest of the hotel room is perfect as well. This kitchen is nice and I'm sure he will make some great meals in there. One of the best parts of this whole room is that the view out of the ceiling to floor window is of the city. He really put some thought into this trip before planning it.

I feel arms wrap around my waist as I'm staring out the window, of all the buildings and cars. I rest my head on his chest and enjoy this moment between us. "I'm so happy you like it here, baby." He says to me.

"I love it. Thank you for this entire trip."

He held onto me tighter while taking in the view of the city below us. Later as we're out enjoying the city my friend Hanna texts me saying she will be here tomorrow morning and can't wait to see me. We didn't get much done today other than looking around and seeing a couple of places. For dinner we stopped at the nearest restaurant which happened to be a pizza place. It wasn't bad either but far too greasy.

When we got back to the hotel room, we thought it would be fun to have a drink. Our room has a mini bar but today while we were out, we bought a bottle of wine. The two of us shared it while sitting out on the balcony. It's such a great night for this too. I look over and see him staring at me already. There's a small smile on his face, his eyes are doing that sparkling thing again.

"What?" I laugh confused. He shakes his head and grabs my hand.

"Perfect night with the perfect girl. What more could I ask for?" He replies. I smile and kiss his hand. We sat out on the balcony for hours talking, the time passing us by. We ended up heading to bed when it got late.

When we woke up, we met my friend for breakfast so we could meet her new boyfriend. We walk in the restaurant and spot my friend sitting in a booth with some guy. His back is to me so I don't know what he looks like. "Hey," she smiles when we approach. I say hi back as her boyfriend turns to face us. My heart sank into my stomach seeing her boyfriend is him. It's Cole from the bar back in Vegas.

Hanna knows about a guy that tried to take me home that night but she doesn't know who. I squeezed Harry's hand but he looked angry. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Hi, Hanna has told me so much about you." He smiles while trying to shake my hand. Hesitantly I shake his hand then sit down.

Harry and I sat on one side of the booth while Hanna and Cole sat on the other. There's no way I can tell her who he is and ruin her relationship. She's happy and there's no way I'd take that away from her. Maybe he's changed since then. I'm going to give him a chance for her.

"So how was your trip? Hopefully not too bad." I ask them.

"It was good but you know how I get motion sickness." She laughs. I nod understandingly. That's the reason I asked her because I know she gets sick. Throughout some of the conversation I notice Harry stays quiet while glancing at Cole every once in a while. I rest my hand on his thigh, trying to show him everything is fine. He grabs my hand from under the table and holds it in his.

"Where did you guys meet?" Harry asks more to him than to Hanna.

"I was working behind the bar one night and he ordered a drink from me. From there is seems like history." Hanna smiles. When we finished eating our plan was to go out and sight see a bit so canceling would look bad. Hopefully I can keep a distance.

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