Chapter One

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"We hate to see you go Ms. Rose. You're an excellent student but we'll always be here if you change your mind." The Dean smiles. My parents are going to kill me for this, but they'll just have to get over it. When starting college two years ago, I thought this was the right thing to do for my life, but things feel different now.

"Thank you. Being at this school was a great experience for me and something I felt like I needed."

"Of course." She assures. "Let me walk you out."

She gives me one last hug before I make my way out of the building. My stuff is packed in millions of boxes in the backseat of my car as my drive home felt long. It's only like a forty-five-minute drive to an hour but telling my parents is making it feel longer. They're going to be very upset because growing up college is all I talked about and now my heart is set on travel.

Seeing the world and making new memories is appealing to me. I've worked at some small local ice cream shop since I was sixteen getting paid little to nothing but managed to save up enough money to travel where I want to go. It made me sad when I had to quit. I can't travel and hold down a job too.

Once getting home and shutting off the car, my stomach started doing backflips. Here goes nothing. My dad's driver pulls into the driveway and sees me struggling to grab all my stuff and offers to help. "Thank you, Richard." A small smile forms on my face. He nods and we head inside. Once all my things are set down on the floor next to the front door he walks back outside.

The only place I think that my dad would be, is in his office. My head pokes in the doorway and there he sat at his desk looking through some papers. I knock softly on the door, and he looks up. When seeing that it's me a confused smiles appears on his lips.

"Charlie," he frowns, calling me by my nickname. "What are you doing here?" He asks while walking over to me. We hug and I clear my throat.

"Dad, can we talk?"

He nods and we sit on the couch next to his desk. He watches my movements, shifting uncomfortably. He's going to be upset with me for this one. "Listen, you aren't going to approve of this decision but...I decided to drop out of college. Everything got finalized this morning."

He stayed silent for a minute then gave me a frown. "You're either joking or just made the biggest mistake of your life."

"See the thing is, my plans, well my dreams have changed. Traveling the world is something that feels right to me."

"You said this when I wasted all that money for you to drop out."

"Well, I'm using my own money this time. I'm sorry you don't approve but I'm an adult and this is my decision." My frustration starts coming out in the sound of my voice. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. Just as he's about to speak, my mom walks in the room. When she saw me, a smile appeared on her face. She hugs me and asks why I'm back.

My dad and I share a glance then I start to tell her my plan and how school isn't a part of it anymore. She seems to get as confused as my dad, but they can't have a say in my life like that anymore. "Charlie-" my mom starts but I cut her short.

"You don't have to repeat everything dad already said. I'm doing this road trip with or without your approval."

She sighs and nods her head. "Promise me you'll be safe." She speaks. At first shock is evident on my face then I nod and assure her it will be okay. Later that night I write out on paper what I want to do and get everything ready. I'm going to begin my road-trip the day after tomorrow, so I have time to prepare. After getting something ready I head to bed.

The next morning my mom calls me down for breakfast. My parents have staff for just about everything, but they do treat them good. I thank the cook for her brilliant breakfast then sit to eat. "So, your mom and I talked about how you want to leave tomorrow, and we have a surprise for you before you leave."

"What?" My eyebrow raises in suspicion. They can't have any good kind of surprise because they're my parents.

"It'll be here at 2pm sharp so make sure you're home." My mom says. Feeling anxious, I take another bite of my pancakes. After eating and getting ready I leave the house to run a few errands. By the time I get back home it's 1:52pm. Slowly but cautiously, my feet moved to the front door.

My dad is sitting in his office as I'm walking past. He calls me inside where my mom sits on the couch. They're looking at me weird and I'm not sure how to feel about it. "Is this about my surprise?" My eyebrow raises. My mom motions for me to sit and I do. My dad leaves the room then enters back in.

"Charlie meet your road trip buddy." He says as Harry Styles himself walks in the room. My eyes widen in shock then anger takes over my features. My dad worked with Harry on a movie about a year ago so that's how they know each other. I was never his biggest fan; sure, he makes great music, but we absolutely despise each other.

During the time of them working on that movie, Harry seemed like a bit of an asshole. Thinking he's better than everyone else. Pretentious dick. He never liked me either and one time told me I'm just a rich daddy's girl. So no, spending time with him in a car alone sounds like my worst nightmare.

"How could you do something like this without telling me? This is something important to me and you asked someone to come baby sit me?" I yell at them.

"Charlie that's no way to talk to us or treat a guest." My mom glares.

"Oh, please Harry is not a guest, he's a snob."

"Ouch" he mumbles then gives me a smirk. I will choke him. My dad makes me and Harry leave the room so he can talk with my mom in private. Groaning annoyed I leave and head into the kitchen. Harry follows me and sits down on the stool at the island.

"Why did you agree to come on a road trip with me? We hate each other." I frown while turning to look at him.

"Sounded like a fun time to me." He shrugs. He's lying through his teeth, and I'll find the real reason. "Mind getting me some water Charlotte? I'm feeling parched." He asks. I roll my eyes and shake my head no. My parents then enter the room and look at us.

"It's final Charlie. He's going." My dad says. I groan and leave the room. This is ridiculous. I'm an adult but they still treat me like a kid, and I need to quit letting them. This is going to suck.

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