Chapter Three

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My eyes opened and the sun shone in from the window causing me to squint. The time on the clock reads 8:45am. It's probably best to get up and get ready since we have to be out of here before 11am. Looking over, Harry is gone from his bed and he's not in the bathroom either because the door is wide open. Wonder where he went off to so early in the morning.

I'll just call him after getting ready. After putting some clothes on, I brush my hair and teeth then grab my phone to call him. Right as I'm about to hit call, the hotel door opens and there he stood holding two brown paper bags. "Where were you?" I ask him.

"Getting this." He says while holding up the bags. He places them both on the small round kitchen table. I watch as he takes out breakfast for us. That's actually nice of him. "Hope you like waffles. I wasn't sure what to get you."

"That's fine thank you. Can you drive today? My head just kind of hurts and I barely got any sleep." I ask him. He agrees and we sit to eat. He started telling how he went to some small local cafe across the street to get this food and a couple of fans had noticed him. He told me how it felt great to see them and take some pictures.

We soon check out and leave for Vegas. We left late in the day yesterday, so our four-hour drive feels longer. We drove two hours yesterday and another two today. As he drives my head rests against the seat. Medicine doesn't seem to be helping my headache and my eyes slowly keep going closed. "I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me when we're there." I tell him. Soon after, I drift off into a deep sleep.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," I smile while walking up to the front door of my house.

"Me too," Harry says as he stands in front of me. "We definitely need to do this again."

"Maybe the night doesn't have to end here," he starts, his hand caresses my cheek. It sent shivers down my spine as he cups my cheek in his hand. His other hand grips my waist and pulls me into his chest. Our faces are inches apart, his hot breath fanning my lips. He stares into my eyes, and I wanted nothing more than for him to kiss me.

His lips brush against mine and-

"Charlotte!" I hear someone yell my name and my eyes open wide. Looking around I see I'm still in the car and Harry is beside me driving. He has a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"What?" Is all I'm able to get out while stretching my arms out.

"You started shifting oddly in your seat asking someone to kiss you."

My eyes widen at his words, and I clear my throat out of pure embarrassment. There's no way that I just had a heavy dream about him. If he knew then I'd never live it down. It's something he'd always hold against me, especially on this trip. "It was nothing, just a dream." I speak.

Surprisingly he doesn't pry but his remark made me roll my eyes and tell him to shut up. "I should have let it go on longer."

If he did then he might know the dream was about him. I must have slept a while because half an hour later we finally arrive at our destination. The reason I'm wanting to come to Vegas is because I've got a friend who lives here that I haven't seen in a while. We're going to go out to some casinos and maybe a few bars. She is actually a bartender and promised me some free drinks.

We get to our hotel and check in. We both get separate rooms this time. We both decide to get our stuff settled then go get some food. We meet back up in the lobby and I smirk seeing him. "What in the world are you wearing?" I ask him. He has on some sunglasses, a black and white ball cap, and a leather jacket. Not sure how he thinks people won't recognize him in just that.

"In case you forgot, I'm a bit of a celebrity." He replies.

"Should we ask the restaurant we're going to if there's any Harry Styles fans first?" I tease. He rolled his eyes and walked away. Continuing to laugh I followed him outside. We started walking down the busy sidewalk looking for a good small place to eat. He said he doesn't want to go to any big restaurants. "What about that place?" I point over at a place that said "Sunrise Cafe."

"Sure." He nods. We start to make our way across the street but like an idiot he wasn't paying attention.

"Harry! Car!" I yell. He turns and jumps out of the way. My heart stopped beating fast as he stood next to me on the sidewalk. "Don't scare me like that." I yell at him.

"Thank you." He sighs in relief. His head looks up to see people staring our way and starting to slowly realize who he is. "Are you okay?" I ask. Suddenly he pulls me into a hug and keeps me like that. "I don't want to draw attention to us." He mumbles.

"Well two people randomly hugging on a busy sidewalk isn't the way to go about that." I joke. He pulls away and looks at me apologetically then sees that no one is staring at us. "We should go eat." He says and I nod.

Later I start getting ready for tonight with my friend. Harry isn't coming because he has other plans, but he said he would just meet me at the bar later. That is okay with me. I've spent enough time with him and need a break. I say my farewell to him and leave to meet my friend at the casino.

There she stood outside waiting for me as I park my car. "Hanna!" I yell.

"Charlie!" She yells back. We hug and start catching each other up on life. When I tell her about my road trip being ruined by Harry, she tried to be supportive but couldn't. I knew she wouldn't be on my side because she's a huge Harry Styles fan. I'm not upset or anything and told her I'd introduce her to him later.

Hanna and I have been friends since middle school. During freshman year of high school her parents moved to Vegas and now we barely get to see each other. We gamble and I lose every time. I did play on one machine and won like $5. She didn't win anything either. We decided to hit up another casino then went to the bar she works at. This is the bar I told Harry to meet us at.

He should be here soon so she's starting to get antsy waiting to meet him. "You're weird." I laugh at her.

"Shut up," she groans. "You know I'm a slut for him." She jokes. I bust out laughing and smile. She has always had such a wild sense of humor. She got her and I both drinks for free, so I told her I'm paying for the next one. The bar is actually quite crowded tonight so I'm wondering if he will wear his "disguise" again.

He walked in the door but much to my surprise he's not wearing a disguise. He's wearing a dress shirt and some black dress pants. Where did he go to dress like that? He approaches us and no one seems to notice him so that's good. "Hello ladies." He grins at us both. I look over at my friend and she is just smiling at him completely speechless.

"This is Hanna. Hanna meet Harry." I introduce them.

"How are you, Hanna? It's so good to meet you." He says to her. She shakes his stretched-out hand and tells him she's doing good. Well, this should be a fun night.

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