Chapter Two

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After shoving the rest of my suitcases into the trunk, I close it up. Harry walks past me and gives me a wink then puts his bags in the backseat. Still can't believe that he's coming with me. I say goodbye to my parents then get into the car and leave. First stop is gas station to fill up and get snacks. After that my plan is to travel to Vegas. That's where I'm starting this trip and ending it in New York. On the way to the gas station, he turns the radio on and flips through the stations.

"No," I smack his hand away. "My car and we listen to my music. You sit and don't speak."

He rolls his eyes and looks out the window. Just my luck, I turn the station and they're playing Watermelon Sugar. You've got to be kidding me. "Strawberries, on a summer evening. Baby you're the end of June. I want your belly and that summer feeling." He starts belting out his own lyrics. As much as I hate him, his voice is amazing. Watermelon sugar isn't my favorite song of his, but Matilda is pretty good. Not that I'll ever tell him that.

He smiles at me while singing and I sigh. We get gas and snacks before leaving and officially starting this thing. For a while it felt nice because neither of us were talking but he interrupted that. We're only twenty minutes into the drive and he's already complaining. "You got the worst snacks. What the hell," he pulls out the stuff I bought.

"Good thing you don't have to eat it." My voice grows annoyed. "Aren't you touring right now? How come you came with me?" I ask him.

"My tour ended, and I wanted a break so here we are." He explains.

"I believe that, but I don't believe the bullshit reason for why you came. Tell me the truth. Why did you agree to come when my dad asked?"

He stayed quiet and acted slightly nervous. How bad could it be? "I'm not comfortable talking about this." He speaks. I nod and decide not to pressure him. But eventually I plan on getting it out of him.

"Don't you want to spend time with your family or something and not spend the next few weeks traveling?" I ask.

"My mom came to some of my shows and tour isn't the only thing I wanted a break from." He says. Wonder what he means by that. As curious as I am, it's none of my business. To try and not make this awkward, I turn on the radio. One of my favorite songs comes on and I start humming to it. Humming lead to singing and the awkwardness drifted away.

"I'm sorry that you're jaded. I could've taken you places. You're lonely now and I hate it. I'm sorry that you're jaded." I sing.

"I won't lie, it won't be easy when somebody news on your body. I'll change my number but keep your t-shirt." He continues. A smirk forms on my face while looking at him.

"Miley Cyrus fan?" I question. He grins at me before we both start singing. Our hatred for each other seemed to vanish in that second as we sang together. "Hey, our voices match perfectly together." He says.

"You're such a liar," I laugh. "I cannot sing."

"You have a beautiful voice." He compliments. "Promise." He holds his pinky up for me. I laugh and pinky swear with him. Maybe this trip won't be such a tragedy after all. If he continues to act like this. Where was this Harry when we first met. Maybe then we could have been friends. This Harry seems cool and laid back. No hatred, no rude comments.

About an hour into the drive, it's quiet, he's resting his head on the window as I'm staring at the road ahead. "Don't move." He says panicked and my anxiety rises.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"There's a spider on your shoulder." He claims. Screaming I shove it off and shake my body in fear. Eww, spiders are the freaking worst. He starts busting out laughing while holding up one of the gummy spiders I bought. There are these gummy spiders that taste like fruit and only one gas station sells them. They're my favorite and I get them on every road trip I've ever been on.

"You ass. Why would you do that?" I glare.

"Your reaction just now is exactly why." He laughs uncontrollably. It was not funny, it was scary. He will get pranked back as soon as I find the right opportunity. When it started getting late, I booked us a room at a nice hotel. Only my luck streak continues when the woman at the desk says they're booked up for a convention and only has one room available. We take it and I'm happy it has two beds.

He throws his bags down on the bed near the window and I give him a pleading look. "What?" He frowns.

"I need you to take the bed closer to the door." I say. He asks why and I sigh. "Because if someone breaks in, I want them taking you first."

He playfully rolls his eyes at me and moves his stuff to the other bed. I thank him and sit down. "I'm going to take a shower then head to bed." He said and I nod as he grabs some stuff and heads to the bathroom. While he's showering, I leave and go get ice from the ice machine. After getting back I pour myself some water and start getting my stuff ready for bed.

When he's done, I'm going to brush my teeth and change into some pajamas. Soon the bathroom door opens, and he comes walking out in some sweatpants. He kind of made it hard for me not to stare right at his bare chest. Just as he started to look over at me, I turned my head and grabbed my stuff. Before he could say a word, I shut the door behind me.

I finish brushing my teeth and changing then lay down. The lights are all turned off and my eyes are closed. I'm exhausted but for some reason, sleep isn't coming for me. There I lay in the dark staring up at the ceiling. My mind wanders and drifts to various different things. Suddenly images of his chest pop back into my head and I mentally curse my brain. I decide just to shut my brain off and at least try and sleep. Anything to get rid of those thoughts.

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