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“You have one minute to confirm your monster and terrain.”

Beyond the window on the door, I could see the monster and terrain I would face.

The terrain was flatland. The monster was a Chrome Wolf.

Chrome wolves were monsters that ranged from low-intermediate rank grade 4 to grade 2. It was comparatively weaker than what some of the other cadets had to face.

However, it was difficult to fight it with a gun.

Not just difficult, but very difficult. Anyone could see at first glance that bullets would just bounce off its skin.

[Peculiarity – its skin has the ability to reflect metallic objects.]

[Weakness – inside the mouth]

[Strength – powerful epidermis]

Chrome Wolves were monsters I created.

“30 seconds left.”

They had the metal and earth dual-attribute, and its vital point was inside its mouth. While the combination of metal and earth attribute made it difficult to deal with, its weakness was unexpectedly clear. An extreme heat that could melt metal and earth, that was what I needed.

I grasped the knife in my pocket. When things came down to it, I could use Stigma’s magic power to heat up the knife.

“A minute has passed. Please enter.”

The members of group 10 walked into the examination ground.

It was a small room of about 130 square meters. Dirt and rocks filled the ground, while a wolf was crunching on something on the other side.

I barely had any time to think. Chrome Wolves were capable of long ranged attacks.

I quickly held up my gun. Ptui. The wolf spat something out. What seemed to be a metallic fragment hurled towards me. I aimed at the flying object and fired. The metallic fragment clashed with my bullet, destroying each other.

It charged towards me immediately afterward.

I activated Bullet Time.

I could clearly see the wolf’s slowed movements, but I didn’t move. I simply waited for it to open its mouth. Because it was so slow, I wasn’t even scared.

As though it was moving in slow motion, the Chrome Wolf opened its jaws as it shot towards my neck.

I jabbed my gun into its mouth and fired consecutively. By the time the Chrome Wolf shut its mouth, I had already jumped back by several meters.

My sense of time returned to normal, and the Chrome Wolf convulsed in pain.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t dead yet. After retching a few times, it spat out ten crushed bullets. Then, he growled while glaring at me.

“Tough, aren’t you?”

I had struck its vital point, but the Chrome Wolf’s bulletproof property put me at a disadvantage. Without a choice, I took out my knife. With a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, I lowered my body slightly and glared back at the wolf. My lips were dry and sweat drenched my body. Close ranged combat was always frightening.

Right when the fight was about to break out…


A huge explosion erupted and the lights in the room went off.

I was now in total darkness, but I couldn’t let my guard down. There was a savage beast in here with me.

A problem has occurred. All monsters will be reverse summoned. Cadets are to leave the examination ground immedi…Tzzzk.

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