Combat Prowess

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Sitting in her room, Yoo Yeonha analyzed the day’s video from combat training. She could watch the battle from multiple angles with several drones filming each team.

“At least he’s quick.”

She became more curious the more she watched it. The black hump octopus fired a total of 59 babies, but the sharpshooter killed all of them before they could even touch the ground. Black hump octopuses usually reabsorbed the babies they shot out to recover their energy. Then they’d shoot more out from their hump. Yoo Yeonha had prepared for a drawn-out battle because of this annoying trait, but the actual fight ended in just 10 minutes.

“I don’t remember seeing him in Military Agent Academy.”

This sharpshooter grew stranger the more she thought about it. He had abnormally low stamina and had also suddenly changed his weapon. That was all Yoo Yeonha noted down about Kim Hajin.

After analysing her groups video, Yoo Yeonha moved on to analysing team six's battle. There was a bit of anticipation for what she was going to see.

"What are they doing?"

At the start of the footage, Cale Henituse's team was moving in a relatively slow pace. It was nowhere as slow as  Kim Hajin but it wasn't what she expected from Cale Henituse's team. Looking closer, it looked like Cale was the slowest out of them and they all  were trying to match his pace.

"Maybe it's a strategy?"

Yoo Yeonha was waiting for a spectacular show of power. Team six's target was a monster named  Ten Legged Widow. This monster was the same rank as  the Black Hump Octopus that her team fought. It was a low intermediate rank, but that doesn't mean that dealing with it was any easier. The ten legged widow was a monster species that was a but tricky to deal with. The females which was the dominant sex, seduces the males  and pulls them towards its web.  The female then injects the males with a venom that leaves them half dead. The males then become her puppets that obeys her commands.

Yoo Yeonha was excited to see how Cale Henituse would deal with them.

But to her disappointment she didn't get to see him  deal with them.

He didn't have the chance.

His teams performance was exactly a text book example of a formation. There wasn't an error in their formation. The offensive members attacked, the sharpshooter aimed and the supporter protected the sharpshooter and took care of the loose ends.

The problemon was that there were no loose ends to take care of.

The monsters didn't make it to Cale for the most part.

Choi Han and Alberu  took care of both the ten Legged Widow and her puppets.

Yoo Yeonha was about to click her tongue in disappointment when one puppet got past Alberu, it screeched loudly as it flung itself in Cale's direction.

Yoo Yeonha felt her heart skip at the sight, leaning in her seat to see what Cale Henituse, who reclaimed a third of Africa would do.

Standing in front of Mary, Cale took half a step back and calmly spread out his hands. Before she could guess what he was about to do,  holy looking shield appeared in front of him.


A beautiful shield with two silver wings stretching from each side. The shield gave off a holy looking silver light as it sturdily stood in front of Cale, blocking the puppet male spider-like monster from moving further.

It only lasted for three seconds,  Mary shot her arrow and Choi Han swung his sword.

The puppet was shredded to pieces.

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