Mutually Beneficial

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Kim Hajin had finally made up his mind to warn Cale about Jin Moran. He knew that someone as powerful as Mary wouldn't be trapped by anyone, even if it is a Devil. But Kim Hajin isn't supposed to 'know' the extent of Mary's power. He only knows that Mary is so powerful thanks to his authority, [Setting  Intervention]. What he supposedly knew should be the same as the same as what Mary displayed in class. Which is that she is around the 250th rank in their grade. A pretty average archer.

He planned on using this opportunity to inform Cale of Lilith's interest in his subordinate and create a good relationship with Cale based on that information.

He had been avoiding Cale and his people from the moment he came to know about their power. That clearly didn't work, seeing that Cale was keeping an eye on him. He is still having trouble believing that Cale had a dragon track him around. Isn't  that a bit of an overkill? Kim Hajin was ranked among the lowest students in their grade, how come Cale felt the need to keep an eye on him.

It might be a gamble, but seeing that his other option, which was avoiding Cale, was clearly ineffective, telling Cale would be the best way to get on top of his current delima.

Making up his mind, he asked the Book of Truth to find out Cale's personal mobile number. The little piece of information took a considerable chunk of his powers.

Kim Hajin nervously paced in his room, contemplating what to write to Cale. It would be hard to explain how he got Cale's number, but that wasn't the hardest thing to explain. If push comes to shove, he can always say that he bought the information from [Truth Agency]. It would be good promotion on it's own. [Truth Agency] has  yet to gain any significant customers.

But how is he supposed to explain the source for his information about Jin Moran? Would Cale even believe him if he said that Jin Moran was targeting his subordinate? Kim Hajin wouldn't believe it if it had been him.

Kim Hajin paused.

Why in the world was he stressing himself over such a small detail? He doesn't owe Cale an explanation, Jin Moran would act regardless and his warning would come up to Cale at that time. His intel would be proven correct and paired with his warning about Yun Hyun earlier that day, he would create the impression of a reliable information source.

He can always give excuses and say that he is a good observer and that it was only a suspicion to give himself room to back out in case Jin Moran didn't try to make a move on Mary. Which was unlikely given Jin Moran's hostility towards Mary and given Lilith's interest in the necromancer.

Steeling his resolve, he typed on his smartwatch,

-<This is Kim Hajin, I have something to tell you. Can we talk?>

Was his message too curt? Was Cale compelled to kill him right now? He is the son of a Duke, a noble, would talking to him like this, bring about Kim Hajin's doom? Would Cale get his knight to behead him? Get his dragon to blow him up? Maybe get his chef to disect him? Or poison him?

As Kim Hajin was diving deeper into the horrifying consequence of his rude text, his smartwatch rang.

-<Block 2, Dorm 308>

Kim Hajin took a deep breath and typed,

-<Right now?>

The reply came shortly after,

-<You don't want to talk?>

Sure enough, the question sounded like a threat. Kim Hajin didn't dare to stall, he immediately put on a jacket and left his dorm.

Cale's dorm was on a different block and unlike his ground floor dorm, this one was on the second floor. It had a decent enough view of Cube, but it was nothing out of ordinary. It looked like any other dorm from outside.

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