A Walking Natural Disaster

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Alberu stared at the scene in front of him in silence.

The boss monster of this Dungeon seems to be  a Magma Golem.

Just by looking at it, one could see that it wasn’t a puppet. The entire Field was melting with its every movement, so how could it be a puppet?

It was a terrible monster made out of stone and boiling magma. A monster that is sensitive to sound and vibrations. It's massive body shook the earth as it moved and it let out an angered noice as it attacked Chae Nayun and her team.

From its face, what had to be a “mouth” opened wide. From inside, a current of lava poured out like a torrent. The Magma Golem rode the lava current it spat out, charging towards Chae Nayun’s team.


The terrifying sight of a giant golem sliding down a current of lava caused Chae Nayun’s team to run away in fear.

The Magma Golem’s first target was Chae Nayun, who was slowed down by having to carry Sven.

After arriving in front of her in an instant, it brandished its arms, slamming down and swinging sideways.

“Hey! Stop screwing around and wake up!”

Immediately after her shout, a pillar of fire shot up from the place Chae Nayun was standing on. Chae Nayun quickly jumped back, but that wasn’t the only a pillar of fire. Lava was erupting all around her.

Chae Nayun was trapped by several pillars of fire. In front of her, the Magma Golem raised its arms up high.

Fear doused her features as she froze, gazing up at the enormous arm flying towards her.


Just when the horrifying torrent of lava was about to devour her, the Magma Golem’s head bent forward. With its arms raised, the Magma Golem stopped moving. Its expression showed that it was enraged, but its body remained frozen as though the sudden attack petrified its entire body.

Chae Nayun turned towards the direction of the mysterious attack.

"Would you look at that."

Alberu muttered.

The attack came from a man carrying a handgun. The attack that petrified the Golem was launched by Kim Hajin.

Alberu acted quickly.

"Get everyone,  this is a real Magma Golem.  Everyone move out of range." He commanded,"Choi Han,  get the injured guy from Chae Nayun and tell Kim Hajin to pull back. And Cale- nevermind."

The Magma Golem recovered quickly and Kim Hajin, who earned its ire was in danger.

Thankfully Kim Hajin reacted quickly and moved towards Chae Nayun and her team.





The moment he reached them, an enormous silver shield stretched in front of them. Its bright and holy wings curling around them and protecting them from the magma that rained down on them.

It was a mesmerising sight.

Kim Hajin looked back at the source of this mesmerising sight and felt his body relax.

Choi Han was already jogging towards them, pulling them out of their stupor.

"Everyone who can move, please retreat. We should regroup and plan a strategy. Cale-nim,  would cover us."

He spoke as he took Sven from Chae Nayun  and hauled him onto his back.

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