Affect the Plot Line

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Cale sighed in resignation. Among the many many classes he could have been part of, he was shoved into the same class as the protagonist. Sitting in the middle row of the lecture hall he could see other students stealing glances at him. He couldn't help but roll his eyes to himself,  he hated the situation with every fiber of his being.

"My dear dongseang is the center of attention yet again. How cute."

It didn't help that this smiling bastard was rubbing it in.

Albert shook his head, "In my opinion,  if you don't want attention then you shouldn't do anything that will attract attention." He said matter of factly.

Cale rolled his eyes," I didn't do anything that garners this much attention." He said.

"Do you even believe your own words?" Alberu asked with his eyes blown wide.

Cale tilted his head, genuinely confused," What's wrong with what I said?"

"Crazy bast- haaah- there is no helping you.  You are a lost cause." Alberu shook his head. Cale's attitude never ceases to baffle him.

Over the past two years that Cale had been here, he did so many things that upset the ballance in the business world and guild business.

After they made contact with Witira, they came to know that many of the beast tribes that had long lifespans had transmigrated. Whales, Tigers, a few Lions ,Bear people. And a few minor tribes. The whales took charge and the  Tigers supported them so their authority  wasn't questioned untill everyone regained their strength and got used to the new environment. They had been transmigrated into an uninhabited island in the Indian Ocean and therey were able to co-exist for a while, mainly because everyone was still weak and couldn't afford to fight the superior Whale tribe, but infighting was eminent due to the shortage of resources and land.

Tigers, Lions, Wolfs and Bears are instinctively territorial and having other preditors in their territories was creating friction. Things were already tense among the beast people because of the war and it wasn't long before factions were created. The numbers of Lions and Bears were negligible compared to the Tigers, Wolfs and Whales combined but the conflicts snowballed into bigger conflicts.

Beast people were the most affected by the war. The White Star reduced the numbers of the tigers and wolfs radically and the allied forces reduced the numbers of the lions and Bears. The Whales suffered with the war against the murfolks. All their numbers combined couldn't add up to a thousand if you exclude the minor tribes that came with them. Most of them couldn't get along because of there grudges.

Even with their miger population, the island was far too small for them to coexist. The only solution Witira could think of was to relocate. Unfortunately the ocean was filled with vicious monsters and before the whales could do anything to scout the nearby land, they had to assert dominance in the waters.

It didn't take Cale long to come to the same conclusion. There was no way for the beast people to live in harmony for the next 12 years of there stay. So they relocated, along the coast of East Africa upto the tip of South Africa.

Of course that didn't come easy, as they had to go through many negotiations with the self proclaimed Monster Monarch. They finally agreed to let the beast people to stay as long as they don't trespass. Thus Africa was divided into two major territories,  the area starting from the horn to the edge of the southern coast was to be occupied by beast people and the rest of Africa was to be left untouched.

What Cale did in secret was soon exposed to the world as heroic deeds because of a blabbermouth fanatic.  Alberu sighed, he wondered what would happen to Clopeh once Cale found out that he was responsible for the leak in information. Not like that lunatic cared or anything.

Cale Can't Be An Extra(TCF×TNE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon