1.Once A Prince, Always A Prince

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"How long since you came here?"

"Two days, but Cale-nim before that, I need some money." Choi Han said a bit awkwardly.

Cale raised a brow and the red kitten in his arms jumped up as if it remembered something important ,Cale, nya, we need lots of money, nya!" Hong said.

"What for?" Cale asked.

"To buy nonna and youngest, nya!" Hong jumped.

"Buy the kids?" Cale looked at Choi Han.

"From the adoption center, Cale-nim. I could only buy Hong, the prices were really outrageously expensive." Choi Han looking wronged.

"Really expensive, nya!" Hong echoed," I didn't like that they were selling us but they recognized a bit of our worth, nya!" he said, sounding smug.

"Right." Cale patted Hong on the head and looked at Choi Han.

Cale raised a brow,"Raon in a pet adoption center?" He was having a hard time imagining a dragon in an adoption center.

"Youngest said that his spells aren't working well because he isn't used to the mana here. He said he could only polymorph because it's an ability and not a spell,nya! He said he didn't want to polymorph into a human and wanted to stay with me and nonna, nya!" Hong explained, jumping down from Cale's lap.

Cale silently stood up and turned to Ron who was standing in the corner of the room,"Get the car, Ron."

Ron bowed,"Yes, young master-nim."


"Human!" A black cat with vivid blue eyes jumped into Cale's arms,"What took you so long?" Raon whined.

"Did you wait for long?"Cale asked, petting the gray cat that curled up on the limousine seat next to him.

"Not really, just a few days. But cat food was terrible, nya!" On explained, her tail swinging back and forth as she rubbed against Cale happily.

"Let's have a good meal when we get back." Cale hummed appeasing the kids," I'll ask Beacrox to cook something nice."


"Beacrox's stake, nya!"

"I want meat and cake, nya!"

The children happily cheered.

"Human, do you know what happened?" Raon asked.

"Yes, don't worry about it. I'll explain after you eat." Cale stroked the beautiful black cat.

Thankfully Chairman Deruth didn't ask for an explanation when they got back to the mansion. They were able to have a peaceful meal and discussion.Cale explained what he found through the black notebook to everyone.

" Do we only have to kill these Djiins!?" Raon asked.

"Well for the most part." Cale said, shuddering at the vicious words uttered by the six year old child ."This is the year 2023 so we might have to stay here for twelve years at the very least. Think of it as a vacation and just relax."

"Okay!" The black cat replied but then skeptically added,"Can you do that though?"

"He can't ,nya!"

"Cale won't, nya!"

The children laughed to themselves.

Ron and Choi Han exchanged knowing smiles while glancing at the stoic redhead.

Unable to understand them, Cale gave put instructions" Let's go to bed for today, I'll make a list of people with high existence values that might have came into this world. We will look for them starting from tomorrow."he said and turned to his servant,"Ron give Choi Han a room."

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