Transmission From a Mythical-Grade World

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After a 20 minute break, everyone from Veritas gathered at the Novice Field. It seemed quite crowded with 100 students. The cadets shared their nervousness and excitement with friends, but a certain young man stood alone. Only he was alone.


"Is something wrong?" A voice asked from behind him, startling him.

It was the guy that sat next to Rachel in the theoretical class. Kim Hajin didn't have the time to look at his watch to check on the setting notification that popped up at the appearance of the blond. The handsome blond didn't bother with introductions and got straight to the point.

"Do you mind if I take a look at your gun?"

Kim Hajin had a bewildered look on his face for a moment before it quickly disappeared. The guy was only curious about his gun. Without much thought, Kim Hajin handed his gun over.

Alberu examined the gun closely before clicking his tongue in disappointment.

"You are gonna have get a better gun if you want to use this as your main weapon." Was all Alberu said before losing interest in the gun. He handed it back to Kim Hajin before taking his leave.

Instructor Kim Soohyuk showed up as Kim Hajin watched the blond walk away. The cadets immediately lined up into 10 columns in front of him.

"I'll get straight to announcing the teams since I'm sure you all know what this lesson is about. Unless something special happens, your teams will remain the same until after midterms."

Team formation. The cadets grew restless.

A team generally consisted of 5 members: 2 warriors, 1 sharpshooter, 1 supporter, and 1 utility player. Warriors were usually close range combatants like spearmen or swordsmen, sharpshooters were long ranged attackers, and supporters were people like Yoo Yeonha and Yi Yeonghan who attacked and also supported main attackers.

Finally, the utility player was generally a magician, so that would be excluded until after the first year. Supporters also had the additional role of protecting magicians. After all, magicians could easily turn the tides of battle.

"Team members will be selected fairly. Lower ranked cadets will be paired with higher ranked cadets."

Kim Soohyuk announced to the class.

An artificial intelligence developed by the Great Sage administered Cube's training classes, so there was no room for foul play.

[Team 1] [Kim Suho / Kim Lang] [Sung Seung-Un / Paine]

[Team 2] [Demian / Rosen] [Chun Lee / Chae Nayun]



[Team 5] [Jin Hoseung / Hazuki] [Kim Hajin / Yoo Yeonha]

[Team 6][Choi Han/ Mary Bones] [Alberu Louise/ Cale Henituse]

It wasn't long before complaints begun and murmurs traveled through the field as the cadets started to find their teams reluctantly.

Kim Soohyuk observed the students back in the control room, through ten different projections. This years' batch had exceptional potential.

"Sir, the team assignment is supposedto be fair, but team six is a bit..."

Kim Soohyuk pressed his lips, groaning slightly at the assistant's  words. He looked at the sixth screen and hummed. The four members of the group were leisurely jogging towards their target's destination,  they didn't look like they were even putting in the slightest effort.

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