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Yoo Yeonha smiled at her good fortune. Shoving the coke she got from that obnoxious gunner into her bag, she jogged up to catch up to the redhead.

She had been looking for an opportunity to talk to him for a while now. Unfortunately, he was always accompanied by one of his friends. She didn't have a good impression of Mary who was so submissive towards Chae Nayun. She didn't have that much of an impression of  Choi Han, she could only conclude that he was close to Cale and that he looks up to him and respects him. And she wasn't tactless enough to discuss Essence of Strait in front of Prince Alberu.

She planned on creating a friendly relationship with the future successor of the Golden Turtle Corporation. If possible she planned on snatching their support from the third rate Royal Court Guild. Alberu and Cale seem to have a very good relationship so even if she couldn't get the full cooperation of the Golden Turtle, she at least want to create a way for them to snatch a few deals.

It didn't look like Cale was going back from Class, instead of the cadet uniform, he was waring a casual outfit. Scratch that, he looked like he just stepped out of his dorm to buy something. He was wearing sweatpants along with a dark grey hoodie. The messy outfit didn't take anything away from his beauty, in fact it gave him a lazy and laid back image.

Yoo Yeonha took a moment to take in the beautiful sight before speaking.

"Yoo Yeonha-sii." Cale called out to her politely, "How can I help you?"

"Do you have a moment, Cale-ssi? I wanted to discuss something." Yoo Yeonha smiled.

Cale hummed, "Sure, is it urgent?" he asked.

Yoo Yeonha shook her head,"Not at all."

Unlike the way she spoke with Kim Hajin, Yoo Yeonha spoke amiably and politely. She wanted to make a good first impression and be on friendly terms, without looking too pushy.

"Then Let's meet up on the tomorrow after practice, Yeonha-ssi, I'm not really familiar with the area, so I'll leave the place up to you." Cale said.

Yoo Yeonha was pleased with his easy-going attitude. Unlike his hard to approach aura, Cale Henituse was surprisingly easy to talk to.

"Sure, leave it to me. Cale-ssi, please save my number." Yoo Yeonha said.

Cale raised his hand to turn  on his smartwatch.

Yoo Yeonha noticed that there was a white plastic bag in his hand. Peeking into the bag, she was shocked to find a packet of instant noodles along with a bag of potato chips.

Yoo Yeonha’s heart skipped a beat.

"Yeonha-ssi, your number?" Cale pulled her out of her stupor.

"Mhm? Oh, yes." Her face lit up with embarrassment.

"Is something the matter?" Cale asked.

"Oh, I was just surprised to see that." Yeonha said pointing at the bag.

"This?" Cale raised the plastic bag in his hand.

"Yes," Yeonha coughed,"It isn't very healthy."

Cale sent her a knowing smiled,"I didn't think that eating it once in a while is harmful."

"I see," Yoo Yeonha gulped, "Cale-ssi is a bit odd."

"Is that so?" Cale hummed, his eyes trailing on Yoo Yeonha.

"I'll message you about the spot." Yoo Yeonha changed the subject,"I'll see you later then, Cale-ssi."

"Yes," Cale said pulling his hood over his obnoxiously attention grabbing hair.

Cale Can't Be An Extra(TCF×TNE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora