EPILOGUE: Stars align..

6 0 0

(5 years later)



I winced at my very loud daughter's voice all the way from her room.
Motherhood is fun, they said but no one told me how much I'll spend more than half of the time trying not to pluck out my hair strand one after the other.

"Mum, summer went through my stuff again". Venice complained entering the kitchen where I stood.

I sighed "Where is she?"

"Over here mama". A new voice interrupted.

I looked towards the culprit as she stood by the kitchen threshold in a pose that looked quite funny for a 4 year old. I willed myself not to laugh as this was a serious situation for Venice. Last thing I need is her throwing a tantrum about how I take her for granted. She was a very big drama Queen and of course God had to punish me with one more that went by the name Summer.

I found out I was pregnant with summer a month after the wedding. I was very happy but at the same time quite Confused because I had been on birth control pills. It wasn't like I didn't want to have children yet but Seth had never outrightly asked me although he spoke of it a lot and I never turned him down either but I just thought it was something we'd sit and agree together on. I was surprised to see how far along I was with the pregnancy because based on calculations I apparently might have gotten pregnant on my wedding night and I could remember Seth used protection all through.

I had gauged his reaction fearing he might have not been ready for it but he was surprisingly happier than I was. It wasn't until the day I was due to give birth and he was with me in the labor room that I found out what actually happened.

I had been in pain and thrashed around in tears while the doctors kept trying to do their job. Seth was so scared of my reaction and blurted out the words

"If I had known it hurt this way, I wouldn't have intentionally gotten you pregnant".

I froze at first and like a raging bull I screamed out and the room was filled with the cry of my baby. All I could think about was now that I was done with that,
I could strangle the man beside me but God had other plans as sharp pain shot through me and I heard the doctor gasp.

"She's having twins!".

I remember I almost passed out at her words but knew that would be detrimental to my child and so I forced myself to remain conscious while glaring daggers at a sheepish Seth.

We didn't want to know the gender of the baby and so we never checked but with all the scans I went for, the doctor never mentioned twins. She showed me the baby moving in my tummy and I could swear I only saw one.

"Mum! Are you even listening?"

I tuned back in to Venice. If smoke could leave people's ears, well that is exactly how my 7 years old daughter would be looking at right now.

Venice had grown up beautifully and had every of her mother's features accompanied by Nathan's eye color. She was a perfect mix between her parents and even though she now called me mum and I treated her like mine, I made sure to always show her pictures of her parents and tell her stories about them. I would never want her to forget them as they would always be a part of her.

"Summer what in God's name are you wearing?". I decided to face the issue at hand.

Summer was clothed in clothes that were obviously too big for her. She paired it off with shoes that were equally still too big for her. It looked super funny. It was something she did all the time even to me. She loved playing dress up but never with her own stuff.

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