CHAPTER 32: What's it to him?

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He didn't like when she tried not to care even though he knew deep down she did, it didn't change the fact it hurt the times she acted like she didn't. She was a pro at it even though he knew it was all a facade, it still confused him most times.

Seeing as how she looked scared and worried about him, he did what he knew how to do best. It was a lie he could live with and at least he knew he'd gain from it. But then again to be fair, it's not so much as a lie.

"Almost died". He spoke, looking equally as mortified as she did as he let those words out.




It was past midnight when I decided to leave the hospital even with the persistent begging of Seth's grandmother. She kept on insisting it was too late but I knew I was being stupid when I left the house and even more stupid when I stayed that long with somebody who I swore to be through with.

(Flashback to the hospital)

My heart stopped beating for some minutes before it regained a rhythm that definitely still wasn't normal.

"What do you mean by you almost died". I could hear my voice shaking and also feel tears building up.

He squinted his eyes at me then let out a sigh.

"Would you calm down? '' He ran his hand through his hair. "On my way to the studio today I suddenly had a problem breathing and it felt like my chest was closing up but that's it. I was only being extra by saying I almost di....."

"You couldn't breathe!". I exclaimed, moving closer to him and placing my hand on his chest. I don't know what I was doing but I wanted to know how he felt at that moment. Maybe if I put my hand on his chest, I'd feel it???

"Calm do....."

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down Seth!". I warned and watched as he raised his hands in surrender.

"Well I don't think you should be shouting at a dying man, it's rude". He pouted and I stared at him flabbergasted at the fact he finds this whole thing as something to crack jokes about.

"Seth this isn't something to play a..."

I was cut off as he drew me down in a hug.

"I know, I know". He whispered and at that moment I heard his heart beating faster than it probably should.

"I was scared, I wouldn't lie" he spoke softly, rubbing and patting my back and I smiled at the fact he's making a comforting gesture at me when he probably needs it more.

It's always been easier for Seth to ignore his problems and focus on other people's own.

"I thought of my grandma and even though they can be worrisome I thought of my parents too"

I heard his soft voice and focused back on him.

"But I mostly thought of you babe".

I felt all sorts of things hearing him say that but I couldn't lie I was more happy.

"Tell me what I could possibly do for you to see I can't leave you the hell alone?".

I froze for a few seconds before relaxing again. I had nothing to say to that and so I kept quiet and I remained quiet till I left the hospital.

(End of flashback)

"You know, I can never get it".

I got startled by a hushed voice in the darkness of the living room.

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