Chapter 15: What's happening to me?

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"Oh my God!"

It was the big day and Candice was freaking out as she'd been doing for the past few days.

"Why are there so many paparazzi?!"

"Oh I don't know Candice, they probably followed the Kardashians here" Vanny sarcastically replied
"Should have lived a normal life if you didn't want this. I don't know what else you expected"

It was obvious Vanny was getting irritated by Candice's attitude. I couldn't help but laugh silently at the scowl she in turn received from Candice.

"Not the right time girls" Candice's mother stepped Into the room, sighing at the situation she just walked Into.

"And baby you need to calm down, you don't want any wrinkles on your makeup now, do you?"

Candice instantly shook her head at her mum looking horrified at the possibility of that happening.

"Good. So just breathe and panic less" Her mother continued and helped her do a mini breathing exercise. It did seem to be working, thank goodness because the last thing we needed was a panicky bride.

"It's showtime people!!" Vanny's mum exclaimed happily walking into the room with both mine and Liv's mother


My best friend is finally married!!!. Wow
I mean I knew it was coming but I still wasn't prepared. Don't get me wrong. I'm elated and over the moon happy for her. I'm just a little emotional, that's all.

I thought I could handle it but when I saw her walking down the aisle with My father, I just knew it was no dream and so I bursted out crying.

At least I was better than Nathan that just kept bawling out his eyes. I didn't even get it. You got her all to yourself dude, what's with the tears?

'its love, something you definitely lack idea about'

Ouch! That isn't hurtful at all missy

Unsurprisingly Seth didn't come to the wedding. And if you ask me, I think he is just being a big little whiny___

"Seth is here!!!!"

Oh fuck my luck!

I internally face palmed, turning to the direction Vanny was looking at which in no doubt stood Seth and a swarm of paparazzi and of course girls

"Of course". I muttered seeing how the girls were all over him and what's worse?

Bastard relished in the attention with that stupid look of his

It was obvious as to what I was feeling and it annoyed the hell out of me I was feeling such

"Be back soon girls"
I stood up without waiting for a word from them because I knew what they'd say anyways.

Passing by the happy couple on the dance floor, I gave a thumbs up to Candice who stared worriedly at me.

Is it me or does it seem blurry everywhere?. Don't tell me I've got a problem with my eyesight now because I haven't even drunk that much.

I kept walking out of the reception anyway even though I am having problems seeing properly and as God may have it, I bumped into someone.

'for baby Jesus's sake, this shit has got to stop happening to us'

For once we agree on something

"Are you crying?"

Well now I got an answer to my 'supposed' eye problem. So it was just tears clogging it? How wonderful Riele.

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