Chapter 11: Wedding bells

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Okay now I feel like I owe God an apology for those times I accused him of not listening to my prayers.


10 minutes earlier

"Are you okay?" I finally snapped out of whatever daze I was in and shoved Seth away from me.

"So much for saving a damsel in distress" he winked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

I don't know what was more annoying, the fact he was acting like we weren't surrounded by so many paparazzi or the fact he expected a warm greeting from me.

"I am no damsel in distress and you can shove your help up your ass". I gritted out getting seriously annoyed.

I made sure to lower my voice because like I said, we were still very much swarmed by paparazzi who seemed quite enthusiastic about our exchange.

"Well I would love to shove something up your own ass, if you wouldn't mind".


I feared what I resembled right now because I knew I could give the tomato a run for its money at this point.

How does this even affect me so much? It's not something I pride in but I'm still a virgin, so how could my mind be so dirty.

I wracked my brain for a smartass reply but not surprisingly, I got none. I stood gaping at the stupid man that could make my insides turn into a hot mess meanwhile he just stood there smiling like he didn't just say what he did.

He opened his mouth to probably say something else to make me go crazier than I felt when my phone alerted me of a new message spelling out 'SOS'.

With that I finally got a hold of myself and ran for my car , I didn't care if the paparazzi took pictures of me running out like some crazy lady and they couldn't even block my path as they obviously saw the determined look on my face.


Back to present time...

A perfect example of saved by the phone. I should probably get Candice a gift for rescuing me from the hands of that stupid dangerously handsome man called Seth.

'Handsome? Can't even curse him out right'

Like you could do a better job. You are me stupid!!!

I do wonder why Candice called an 'SOS' meeting though. What problem could she have gotten herself into ?

Finally I arrived at her house that screamed "I'm a girl, duhhhhh". but then again it's Candice.

It was a beautiful mansion not as big as mine but quite big too. Mine was just overly exaggerated, I wonder what my father was thinking when he got me that house.

Where major colours seen in mine were grey and white, Candice's major colours were purple and cream having a huge picture of her on one side of the walls.

Way not to be too noticed Candice.

I got inside seeing the others were already seated looking scared out of their mind. My blood ran cold on seeing their faces.

"Where's Candice?" I asked taking a sit beside Liv.

"Right here". She called coming out from her kitchen and is that a skip I see in her movement.

Okay what the hell is going on?

"I called you girls here for an urgent matter and because I need your help with said matter".

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