Chapter 20: Playing dirty

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"Father there are way better things on my plate than that, just drop it!"

I was utterly frustrated with my father right now but I was at least glad he was back to his nosy nagging self again.

Months ago he was in a very critical condition that messed up my mood and it showed on how I treated everyone before deciding to go on a trip to where he was hospitalized.

I wasn't the most nicest man but I knew the way I was acting those few weeks before leaving was bound to lead me into killing someone. Also the fact that annoying little cat girl must have thought I was bipolar with the way I acted towards her after the incident at Nathan's wedding.

I traveled to reassure myself my father was okay and on getting there, his health deteriorated which explains why I stayed for so long leaving Tyler to take care of both our company. He requested on going along with me but we both knew someone had to stay back so it wasn't hard convincing him to.

It was the scariest moments of my life watching my father struggle to get better.

I still hadn't recovered from the death of my mother which was why I found it hard talking about her or even trying to remember her, but that proves hard with the reoccuring dreams I get from time to time of her dying in my arms.

I was still very much heartbroken. I sure as hell couldn't deal with my father dying also.

I stayed with him till he started getting better and I couldn't have been more relieved .

Still can't forget those nights he asked and begged me to forgive him if he ever let go. It was a horrific moment and I have never seen my father look so helpless. At a time I wondered if it would be best to let him go.

I'm glad those moments are over now.

"Mason! Son!?"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I focused back on my phone's screen.

"Here father"

"Where did your mind run off to?..." He halted and looked at me in a way that made me know the wheels in his head was working at a fast pace.

"Wait!!!!" He chirped and I immediately winced at what he must have put in his head.

"You found a girl already? Haven't you?"

He wiggled his brows suggestively and I stared blankly at him wondering what sort of thing was this?

I'm pretty sure not all parents behave like this but my father doesn't get the meaning of boundaries. Never has.

Quickly muttering I had a meeting, I cut off the FaceTime before he could say something else.

What could I possibly do to stop all this marriage talks he bothers me with.



I could easily just cancel this date and claim to be sick. I mean you can't force a sick girl out now, can you?. Wouldn't wanna be blamed for my death I'm sure.

Smiling at my plans that seemed to be a success in my head, I climbed the bed and decided to just have a nap when my phone beeped with a text. It read:

You better not be trying to play smart
             Or I swear I'd do much worse than I did
              at your company
                                                                       ~ ❤️ Seth

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