CHAPTER 34: Time flies

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Previously on WITS....

With that the line went dead and I pondered over her last words. Obviously I was planning on looking for her even if it entailed searching the whole bloody damn world but I couldn't help but think Liv was right. I think I should let her have this moment.

I'll be here waiting for you, my enchantress. Now, and till the day our forever ends and continues in death.




It's been weeks since Riele left the states and everyone, the country inclusive, felt it, no exaggerations mixed. The girls felt a heavy amount of blame for the way things played out that they had to tell Riele what transpired that particular day with Seth. Riele wouldn't say she was overly surprised but she did feel a tiny amount of shock. She was irritated to say the least and didn't talk to them for some days but later came around. Deep down she knew they did it for her best interest albeit not in the best way.

"Which of you brought up the dumb idea again?" Vanny hissed.

The girls were all gathered in a cafe close to Candice's house for a normal timeout and as usual Riele's topic came up. It was really telling on them.

"You thought it was cool when I brought it up," Liv argued in annoyance.

"How could we set her up with Seth knowing fully well after he does whatever he'd do that night that she'd come seek for advice from us" Vanny continued. Saying it out loud made the whole plan sound more stupid and Vanny felt guilt seep through her.

"If it had ended there, it would have been better but No, we still had to give her the idea of being in a fake relationship with mason to ward Seth off" Candice face palmed.

"It's nobody's fault girls" Mia started, "We knew she had some sort of feelings for both men and since we couldn't guess which of them more, we had to play her into a situation with both to help her but apparently we worsened it"

"With every day she isn't around, I feel much more worse"

It hit Liv the hardest being the one to have brought the idea.

"Will she be fine?"

"I'm sure she will be Vanny" Mia answered "she will be fine" she repeated to Liv seeing her face fall.

"Hopefully however long she takes, she's back before Venice's first walk". Candice giggled.

They all agreed with a smile looking at the child in question as she lay in her mother's arms.

Oh how wrong they were.

First walk, first words and even Venice's first birthday was missed.



Her giggles filled the air like that of a particular person they've all missed so much.

It was funny how little Venice got traits of someone who doesn't even relate to her mum or dad but it wasn't a surprise either, after all she was her Godmother's favorite little human and they spent most time on video call like they'd lose air away from each other.

A scream came out of Venice and Candice rushed out of the kitchen wondering what happened to her almost two years old.

"Well if it isn't my favorite little human".

Well let me rephrase. She was every one of them's favorite little human.

Liv exclaimed as soon as a smiling Venice hugged her feet.

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