CHAPTER 49: SELE forever

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"Get your fucking hands off my woman you bastard!". Seth yelled ready to pounce when the kidnapper held up a gun.

"You come any closer, I blow her brains off". He was now pointing the gun at a shocked Riele.

'he had a gun all this time?'

My thoughts exactly. Riele replied to her inner self.

Seth held up his hands in surrender moving to the side to reveal an open mouthed obviously shocked out of his mind Mason.


Tyler, who was also the kidnapper, hadn't noticed his brother came in with Seth and for a moment got distracted not expecting to see Mason. That moment was all Seth needed as he swiftly ran, knocking off the gun from Tyler and hitting him hard on the head, knocking him out cold.

"Wow. That felt good" Seth replied, flexing his wrist. "Piece of shit!" He spat at Tyler's unconscious body.

The sound of sirens filled the area and Seth rolled his eyes at the impeccable timing of the law enforcement.

He immediately sat on the bed and pulled off his jacket covering Riele's naked form.

"You came" she cried out in relief.

"Always baby. Always" . Seth replied, hugging her.

Pulling away he freed her legs that were still bound by ropes.

"Mason?" Riele called out, noticing the expression he had on. It was the same she had when she discovered it was him.

Apparently her first meeting with Tyler at the mall was planned. He'd even been watching her before then and knew exactly who she was.

She had never been more afraid discovering that she was living her life without knowing there was somebody watching her every move like a hawk. It was some high level of sickness.

Seth had been suspicious after the whole incident of tracking down Riele's leg chain went down the drain. The only person that wasn't present when they went to the hospital and came back to Mason's house was Tyler. He was also someone that knew the plan of tracking the jewelry. Seth had wondered how the piece of jewelry couldn't be tracked even after thoughts like; it fell off while struggling as she was kidnapped and probably got damaged or the kidnappers suspected it might be a problem for them and took it off. Even with those thoughts coming to mind and making him unsure, he still contacted his guy to follow Tyler around and report anything suspicious. He just worked with a hunch knowing he could be wrong but now it has paid off greatly.

Mason still didn't move his eyes from his little brother. His head was filled with lots of different thoughts but few things stood out the most.

What would your mother say?

You've disappointed her!

It's all your fault!

BLAME. He was now blaming himself. He was the one to look after his brother. Guide and teach him. Yes his father was there too but older ones were meant to set examples for their younger ones right?

So where exactly had he gone wrong with Tyler.

Mason's thoughts were all over the place.

Soft hands touching his shoulder made him snap out. The police force was now picking up an unconscious Tyler. Seth didn't want to leave Riele alone but the police had questions and he needed to answer them so he headed out with them.

"Are you okay?" Mason asked, looking at her with an unreadable expression. Riele knew he didn't want to give anything out in order not to receive pity. She knew the look all too well because she always wore it whenever she wanted to act strong. Instead of answering him, she settled for a hug which he returned immediately holding tightly onto her.

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