CHAPTER 40: Imaginations?

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"How about we restart from the beginning" she said and smiled brightly, stretching her hand "Hi I'm Riele".

Her smile was contagious and I definitely couldn't control my body giving a response to it.

"I'm Mason".




Friday night and I'm all set for my mission. If this didn't work then I'd just give up.

'You can't even fight for love'.

Ignoring my subconscious, I decided it was time to unveil my dress.

"Are y'all ready?" I smirked knowing they'd soon chew my head off.

"You coming out or we should come drag you by your hair?".

Like I said, chew my head off.

"I'm coming woman!" I giggled at Candice's impatience.

"That's bad mama".

I heard little Vee's voice warn and tried not to laugh. Candice definitely met her match with this child she birthed.

Not allowing any further talks, I stepped out and the receiving looks I got from them had me grinning in satisfaction.

"Okayyy I definitely look good".

My talks were soon covered by little Vee's squeal.

She was now assessing my dress, going in circles around me. "wow". She purred and I laughed out loud. We've got a mini diva on our hands.

The others joined in laughing.

"Well, Vee definitely said our minds". Mia chuckled.

"I couldn't have even said it better, " Liv laughed.

"I'm so happy I have you guys. How was I supposed to train a child that's probably 100 times me". Candice dragged out exaggeratedly.

"Suck it up, candy," Vanny replied with a provocative smirk.

Apparently Vee tried calling Candice as a baby and called Candy instead. The name didn't stick with Vee but definitely stuck with Vanny.

"Why, you....."

"Not now Becky lynch!". Mia snapped at a ready to attack Candice.

"So much for helping me get ready guys". I gave them a blank look turning and bending to Vee's height with a pout. "You're the only one that cares about me honestly". She smiled.

" Here comes the actual drama Queen". Liv mumbled and I turned to glare at her.

"Okay that's enough!" Mia stood up, giving me my bag "you ready?".



"Not with that fake smile, you're not". Just remembered I can deceive myself but never my friends.

"I don't know Mia, I'm just nervous".

"As you should be" Liv stood up, coming to where we stood. "I mean who wouldn't be. Takes a lot of guts to do what you're about to and so it's totally normal for you to feel this way but we know you and nobody else can pull this off like you can".

Letting out a breath I asked myself If I really could.

"Yeah!" Candice joined in. "You've always been good at getting what you want and you've never failed".

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