CHAPTER 12: bachelor/bachelorette party!

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I made sure I looked good on my phone's camera before stepping down from the car. I could see the cafe that Tyler chose for our meeting.

It's been a week since the whole marriage bomb dropping news. I and Tyler have spoken about the decoration and interior of the reception venue but he asked that I meet up with him today to discuss the samples needed for it.

I call it total bullshit though because I sent him everything he needed to know about what Candice would prefer but he insisted I meet up with him to discuss more and even as I knew he just played that card to see me, I didn't mind because his presence was comforting.

I was welcomed by his charming smile as he waved me over pulling back a seat for me which I accepted after giving him a hug.

"Want anything?" He asked and I politely refused. I wasn't really hungry.

"So how have you been?" He continued while waving off the waiter that was about to approach us.

"Been good, and you also don't look so bad"

"Right?" He replied, dusting off the non existent dust on his shoulder, making me laugh.

"So you wanted to talk about the designs and samples I sent?" I asked him teasingly and he blushed. Cute

"Well I went over them this morning and I finally understood everything, there'll be no need for that". He replied quickly, making me laugh.

"Ty, you know you could have just asked to hang out with me right?"

"And you'd have said yes?".

I thought about his question long and hard then gave a very truthful and sincere answer

"Yes" Mainly because his company didn't spark any negative vibe and I genuinely liked him. He was sweet.

"Well, now I know" He smiled and I returned one of my own back

"So How's the other preparations going?" He asked, looking quite interested and so I briefed him on everything going on and how we are making sure all is in place for the wedding taking place next week Saturday.

"Wow, must be taking a toll on you all" He took my hands and caressed it. I didn't pull away because like I said he brought no negative vibe about him

"Yeah, but we are almost done and it's nice to see Candice's smile after every checkout on her to-do list". I smiled thinking of my best friend.

"You do know you can call on me anytime, if you need anything right?" He asked and I smiled at his generosity.

"Of course Ty"

"Oh and did I tell you, I like the new nickname".
He smirked and I did a double take because he just reminded me of his brother.

Covering up my shock with a laugh, I replied him
"Oh yeah?"

He laughed and I couldn't help but admire how good he looked. If ever I get the courage to accept somebody into my life again. Tyler sure as hell won't be a bad option. He projected peace and honestly, that's all I want.


Finally it was a day to the big day and we were preparing for the bachelorette/bachelor party. Why are we preparing for both?.

Well Candice and Nathan didn't trust the other to be left in the hands of each others' friends and so they merged the two parties.

If you ask me though, I think it's more of Candice not trusting Nathan with his friends.

At first it pissed off the girls and I because we had something special planned and prepared for her but it's her choice I guess and honestly it still wouldn't stop the big surprise I and the girls still kept in the stall for her. Queue in the wicked laugh.

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