CHAPTER 47: The tongue is powerful

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  5 YEARS AGO.....

The wind blew past her hair as she smiled, increasing her pace.

"Jesus! Slow down woman!". Seth laughed

Riele giggled doing anything but slowing down.

He had told her if she got to the end of the street before him then he would get her ice-cream.

They were so carefree you wouldn't know one was heir of the multi billion dollar company "Morris construction" and the other was beginning to become a fast rising star in the whole of the Nation.

"Haaaa I won!" She exclaimed, turning around to a smiling Seth.

"Yes you did". He had allowed her to win but she didn't need to know that.

Riele had been craving ice-cream and had told him to get her one. Apparently she ran out of ice-cream at home. It didn't come as a shock to Seth knowing she had a sweet tooth.

He had come to her house without buying it because he wanted them to get it together. Her parents traveled out of town two days prior so he knew he wouldn't at least get into a stare down with her father as usual or get embarrassed by her mom always trying to over feed him.

She had insisted on walking as it was just down the road of her street and he didn't mind it because he enjoyed her company. They both loved evening strolls as they both could fool around the road and would hardly be recognised by just the street lights. Well HE could hardly be recognised seeing as Riele's identity was heavily hidden. He did wear a cap and walked with heads bowed for extra precautions

"You owe me something mister". She pointed out with a hand on her waist.

"Well let's get ice-cream then!" He cheerfully said, raising his index.

Being the ever playful girlfriend, she yelled out in reply "YAY" clapping enthusiastically.

Laughing, he picked her up heading to a nearby ice-cream place just along the road

They got ice-cream and as usual with anytime Riele got what she wanted, she was now in a more chirpy mood. It usually amazed Seth how such little things got her elated. She was the daughter of a billionaire and it didn't seem so at times because she never gave off such a vibe.

"Imagine I get kidnapped". Seth raised his eyebrows at her words.

"Why would you want me to imagine such a thing?". He now had an edge to his tone.

He knew he was in love with this girl standing before him albeit he still did things behind her back that would hurt her but at least he made sure she was never to find out. A twisted way to love? Yes but he didn't know how to stop and he wanted to, more like he needed to. For her sake, he would try to.

"Oh come on. Take a joke" she nudged his shoulder as they kept walking slowly back to her house. "It's not like anybody's going to kidnap me anyways".

She laughed walking backwards.

He didn't like that she had joked with something like that but then again, that was how she behaved most times. Always made expensive jokes to his own detriment but he wouldn't tell her that.

Imagining her being kidnapped wasn't a very pleasant feeling and it suddenly made him have an urge to put more security around her.


He snapped out of his thoughts looking at her as she scrunched her face in the cutest way.

He smiled watching her. She was so beautiful and he would never get enough of her.

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